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Healing Through
"Letting Go

One on One, Online Healing Sessions with Gian

-- Online Worldwide --

When all manipulations of the ego have failed, letting go of the emotions underlying your health problem -- physical, mental or spiritual -- can bring you the healing you desire.

Illlness is not necessarily a "curse", but it is natural to desire wellbeing over illness. Ilness often comes to help us learn something. There are many valuable lessons we can learn from it, but one of the highest is
learning to heal the body-mind system through "letting go."

Negative emotions are not a "curse" either, we can learn valuable lessons from them, but it is natural to desire positive emotions over negative ones. Negative emotions, let us know that we are entertaining negative and distorted beliefs about a life situation we encountered -- they are like "a red light in the dashboard."

When we identify correctly the negative emotion affecting the body-mind, and let it go sincerely, we open a portal for a fresh and healthy way to look
at the challenge we are experiencing.

But if we hold to negative emotions, the body suffers and eventually gets sick. Learning to let go asap, is one of the most valuable skills you can attain in this lifetime.

A negative emotion that is not released on time, gets repressed to the subconscious mind where it can go on for weeks, months or even years, until the body gets sick, and even dies.

Once you learned to let go, you will likely continue to experience negative emotions, same as every human being, but you will inmediately let go of them -- before it damages your health or your interpersonal relationships. Only then, you can say that you have mastered your emotions. Such mastery is absolutely priceless!

If you are interested in this approach to healing, know that there is a specific and very simple method to let go. Once you learn it, you will be able
to use it the rest of your life.

A typical 45 minutes healing session with Gian, begins by exploring the physical, mental or spiritual challenge affecting you. It follows with and exploration of possible connections to underlying nutritional issues. This possiblity needs to be ruled out, as human ilnesses are often the result of nutritional imbalances and/or nutritional deficiencies. If appropriate, you will be presented with some nutritional and wellness recommendations.

Once that part of the work is completed, you will be guided to identify the negative emotions associated with the problem. Then you will be taught the "Surrendering Technique," as well as how and why it works -- the spiritual and metaphysical principles behind it.

At the core of the session Gian will be guiding you to practice together the Surrendering Technique, and let go of your negative emotions.

Gian will share with you how to practice the technique successfully
throughout the week -- every time you experience a negative emotion.
The final goal of this process, is that you become your own healer, by releasing negative emotions as soon as you experience them.

As said before, this mastery over human emotions is absolutely priceless.
It accelerates soul evolution like nothing else will. It is the
greatest gift you can give to your soul!

Gian's fee per session is $60. if you pay six sessions in advance the price
per session lowers to $45. Total price for six sessions: $270

How To Call Gian Directly or Via WhatsApp: Gian's phone number
is +1(430) 422-7476. His WhatsApp number is +56 9 4236 0977. WhatsApp is superior as you can leave him a text or voice message anytime.

To Contact Gian Via E-Mail: Gian's email address is Gian&&&@###BrainOptimization.org
(please eliminate the # and & characters from the address. They are there only to prevent robots from capturing the email and use it for spaming purposes.)

To maximize the probability of reaching Gian, consider doing both -- sending an e-mail and connecting with him via WhatsApp.


To safely pay for your sessions using PayPal or any major credit card
please follow this link.


