5 to 10-Month Certification Course
in Nutrition with Emphasis
in Brain Optimization™
BOHI has been certifying students all over the world for 18 years. Now can be your time!
Note: All the information you'll need about this course is available in this page. This includes testimonials from previous students,
the outline for each one of the 21 three-hours classes,
and all necessary logistic
information, including prices and how
to safely pay your tuition in this website.
Please just keep scrolling down.
"If we haven't learned to nourish brain and body properly, we can't
expect to have a healthy brain, good mental health, or be happy.
Master the science of nutrition and your life
change" -- Gian Girardi, BOHI founder.
Available Worldwide
This is an extensive course on Nutrition with emphasis on practical ways to free the brain from neurotransmitter imbalances -- which make life difficult and fruitless. It is extremely difficult to be happy and attain authentic goals while living in a sick body and brain, no matter how many coping mechanisms you know or how spiritual you are. This course prepares you to coach clients and yourself on re-balancing and taking care of body and brain, through diet and skillful use of nutritional supplements.
Note: Upon completion of any course in the BOHI's "Flip-Learning Method" you will receive a Certificate of Completion signed by BOHI's founder.
About BOHI's
Flip Learning Educational Method
An unmatched educational system that
combines video-classes with one-on-one coaching
sessions. Its unparalleled flexibility allows
the student to attend classes and one-on-one
coaching sessions anytime, and anywhere
in the world, from the comfort of their home!
From One of Our Graduate Students about
the Teacher of this Course

Gian is a professional teacher. I have found his private sessions, meditations, and classes a work of art. My time with Gian has been life-changing not only from a physical standpoint, but mentally and spiritually as well. I signed up for a brain/body nutritional class with Gian back in 2009; wow! How that improved my life from a physical standpoint. Then I attended some meditation sessions that Gian held on the weekends and again, what a spiritual revelation! Since then I have continued seeing Gian for private sessions, and again, what insights have come! Gian is not only a wise man, but his teaching style is outstanding and his compassion and intuition are life changers! -- Mark
To learn more about the teacher of this course, please scroll
down to the bottom of the page.
How I Got My Brain Back -- A Personal
Account from Gian Girardi, BOHI Founder
You may have been blessed with an excellent brain. However, traumas, stress, nutritional mistakes, accidents, pollution, indiscriminate multiple vaccinations, pharmaceutical medications and more, may have deteriorated your main asset in life. In this short video I share my story on how I got sick with three brain disorders and how I got my brain back -- using brain nutrition techniques. You can get your brain back too. You can live a life free of anxiety, depression, ADD, memory loss and many other brain disorders. Not only that, you can also learn how to help others do likewise.
Learn to heal, take care, and optimize the human
brain, using effective and safe nutritional interventions
Certification Program
This course leads to a Certification in Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain
Optimization™. You'll get a formal Certificate of Completion signed
by BOHI's founder.
Access to Information About this Course
All information needed
can be found by scrolling down this page.
Learn from the Pioneers that Triggered the Brain Optimization™ Movement.
BOHI has been serving the United States and the
world at large since 2005, providing cutting edge professional education.
The trade mark "Brain Optimization™" today part of our everyday language, was granted to the founder of our Institute back in 2007!
A Vocational Certification Course,
Also Well Suited for
Healing and/or Personal-Development
This course is designed to fulfill the vocational needs of practitioners wanting to work in the fields of Nutrition and Brain Nutrition, Coaching, Counseling, Ministering, Healing and Teaching. It is also well suited for those desiring to attain personal healing and/or personal development
Two Formats to Choose From
10-Month Format: 10-month certification course,
flip learning method -- an effective combination of video classes and one-on-one coaching sessions. A 3-hour video-class and 1-hour coaching
session every other week for 42 weeks. It requires to pay the tuition during the 10 months period, or upfront (usually with a discount.)
5-Month Format: 5-month certification course, flip
learning method -- a uniquely effective combination of video classes and one-on-one coaching sessions. This format consists of a 3-hour video-class and 1-hour coaching session every week for 21 weeks. It requires to pay the tuition during the five months period, or upfront (usually with a discount.)
Location: Online Worldwide on WhatsApp,
Skype or phone.
Note: Time limit to obtain your Certificate of Completion is three (3) years since your date of enrollment. Beyond that, no Certificate of Completion will be awarded, unless there is a strong reason to make an exception.
How BOHI's Enrollment
Process Works
First: Please contact us via email stating which one
of BOHI's Certification Courses, in the Flip-Learning Method, you would like
to pursue. To find our email, please continue scrolling down.
Second: We will send you via email, a welcoming letter containing BOHI's Student Agreement.
Third: After reading the Student Agreement you will be ready to follow simple instructions (indicated at the beginning of the Agreement) to sign it and send it back to us. (no printing is necessary)
Fourth: You
pay the course at our Student Online Tuition
Payment Center
Fifth: You will receive access to the first video-class via email.
Enrollment all Year Round
Contact Gian (BOHI Founder) directly at
Please remove the following characters: # and *
They are there only to prevent robots from harvesting
the email and use it for spamming purposes.
How BOHI's One-On-One,
Flip-Learning Method Works
1- The student watches a 2 1/2 to 3-hour video-class and write down notes, as well as questions for the up-coming one-on-one coaching session.
2- At the end of the video class he/she answers a quiz consisting of 21 true / false question, and sends it to his/her coach via email. The coach may look into his/her student's answers, but quizzes and students at BOHI are not graded. The right answers, and the rationell behind those answers, will be presented at the beginning of the next video-class.
3- The student meets with his/her coach, for a one hour, one-on-one coaching session, on Skype, WhatsApp, phone or in-person.
4- At the end of the coaching session the student receives an email containing links to access the next video-class. He or she and their coach, schedule their next one-on-one coaching session. The process repeats 21 times until the whole course is completed.
5- The student writes a final three pages disertation on a subject of their choice. Completion of this last step allows him or her to graduate and receive their certificate of completion.
Online Worldwide. All communication via E-Mail, WhatsApp, Skype or Phone.

"If we haven't learned to nourish our body and brain intelligently, we can't expect to have a healthy brain, good mental health or be happy. Master the science of nutrition and your life will change" -- Gian Girardi, BOHI founder
Dates and Class Schedule
BOHI's Flip Learning Format, allows our students to enroll anytime they desire to do so, conditioned only to our teachers' time availability.
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it for spamming purposes.
Time Commitment For Certification Courses
Presented in the
Flip-Learning Method
10-Month Format (recommended)
Video Classes: Each video class is about 3 hours long. In this format the student will need to watch one class every other week.
Coaching Sessions One-on-One: Each coaching session is 1 hour long.
In this 10-month format the student will have one coaching session
every other week.
Answering the Written Test (Required Homework): If you studied the video-class and wrote down notes, it should not take more than 5 to 15 minutes to complete the corresponding Written Test and send
it to the teacher.
Extra Homework: A commitment of about six hours per month is recommended. The student can do more homework based on their time availability and enthusiasm. This time will be allocate to the
following activities:
1- Reading books and written material
recommended by the teacher in the
video-classes or by their coach. (optional)
2- Watching specific movies or documentaries (optional)
3- Doing research on any subject related to the course.
Total: The aproximate time commitment necessary to participate in the regular 10-month format, with classes every other week, is about 15 hours per month (4 per week aprox.)
5-Month Format
The 5-month format, with classes every week, requires twice
as many hours per month (30 hours per month aprox)
Commitment to Apply the Knowledge
Acquired to One's Own Life
All BOHI students are encouraged to apply the knowledge acquired to their own lives. BOHI courses aim primarily at helping the student improve his or her life, so that later, they know how to help others do likewise. Intellectual knowledge has value, but it is not enough. In the Flip-Learning Method, as the student applies the knowledge acquired to their own life, he/she is encouraged to share their personal experience with their coach.
Final Paper
At the end of this course a three-page paper is required in order
to obtain the final certification. The student can choose any subject
they found interesting or valuable during the course.
Course Curriculum
Disclosure: The curriculum for this course
as presented below, is a very close approximation to
the actual material presented class by class,
however, it is not exact, and some
unimportant variations may happen.
1st Class -- The Foundation of Brain Nutrition Counseling™
1st Class: The Foundation of Nutriton with Emphasis in Brain Optimization™
01- Understanding the ongoing revolution of Orthomolecular Medicine and Orthomolecular Psychiatry.
02- The Brain Optimization Institute's origin and mission.
03- Connection between optimization of the brain with nutrition and mental as well as physical health.
04- How optimizing the brain with nutritional interventions helps immensely to attain success in life. Using Brain Optimization™ to move from Victim to Victor.
05- The connection between brain and happiness -- personal and transpersonal.
06- The teachers' struggle and eventual success. The 1st breakthrough at balancing his metabolism and the 2nd one at balancing his brain neurotransmitters. When your diet works and when it is insufficient; when supplements work and when they fail.
07- Understanding the present legal issues and the ethical responsibilities in the Nutrition and Brain Optimization profession.
Other approches to Brain Optimization.™ Do they really work?
09- How you can use Nutrition and Brain Optimization™ and this Certification Course to heal yourself and others.
10- The fundamental issue of compliance with nutritional treatment. Behavioral modification. Overcoming resistance to taking pills and supplements.
11- Supplements safety vs. drugs safety -- based on mainstream statistics!
12- The power of suggestion when taking a pill, and how it should be used intelligently by every practitioner, including doctors.
13- A supplement program for life? Pros and cons. Is it for you? How you can implement it? Will it help you age gracefully and healthy?
14- Most recent breakthrough in Brain Optimization™ and antiaging.
15- How to organize your supplement program.
16- Taking supplements with or without meals -- pros and cons -- swallowing techniques and storing your supplements safely.
17- Can supplements produce undesirable interactions when taken together? Can supplements produce side effects? What to do about it?
18- The importance of practicing nutrition on oneself. My mentor's "sad" experience in Oriental Medical school.
19- Are supplements from China and India really safe?
20- How and why selling supplements to your client can help you immensely to consolidate your private practice. The invaluable blessing of having your own business.
21- What will you learn during the 10-Month Certification Course in Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain Optimization™?
i- Required Homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
iv- Reality show that demonstrates the impact of glucose management on mood, endurance, the so called mental strength, happiness and more?
2nd Class: Wise Use of Carbohidrates, a Fundamental Pilar of Good Nutrition and Brain Optimization -- Part I
01- Macronutrients vs. Micronutrients
02- Macronutrients' impact on health and happiness. Why it is fundamental to master them. How this was done in the past through the cultural diets. How it will need to be done from now on. Why science is struggling so much with something apparently so "simple?"
03- Simple and complex carbohydrates and their powerful impact on health and happiness.
04- What is glucose and why and how the body produces glucose.
05- Why glucose is the most fundamental brain pathway -- even more than neurotransmitters. The complexities of the body's glucose regulatory system.
06- Lifestyle changes that are damaging this delicate biochemical pathway, in our country and civilization.
07- The Six Hour Glucose Tolerance Test, and why the stubborn misinterpretations of the glucose curves by mainstream medicine.
08- The Normal curve.
09- Abnormal curves: the typical hypoglycemic curve and its impact on the brain. The infamous mix curve -- surfing the glucose curve up and down. The flat curve and depression. The most typical pre-diabetes curve.
10- Why hypoglycemia is a scientifically proven disease, that affects mostly the mental health of the individual. When was it discovered; and why mainstream does not like this label.
11- Brain, body and mind symptomatology. Hands-on self-assessment during the class.
12- A pathway to other serious diseases.
13- The teacher's personal story -- how healing the metabolic disorder in his glucose pathway lead to a fulfilling life.
14- Genes and the glucose pathway.
15- Glucose metabolism and chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, substance abuse, schizophrenia
16- Self-diagnosis at home, when your doctor is uncooperative.
17- Pre-diabetes; what is it, and what isn't. The infamous spikes! Do they affect only the diabetic?
18- Pre-diabetes impact on brain/mental health, health in general, loss of happiness and productivity.
19-What are the consequences of not addressing pre-diabetes? The impact on obesity and vice-versa. The impact on aging and vice-versa.
20- Could you have pre-diabetes? How to assess for it at home?
21- Q&A
i- Required Homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
iv- Reality show that demonstrates the impact of glucose management on mood, endurance, the so called mental strength, happiness and more.
3rd Class -- Wise Use of Carbohydrates a Fundamental Pillar of Good Nutrition and Brain Optimization™ -- Part II
Diabetes Type Two -- why it is under diagnosed. Why America is experiencing an epidemic of type two diabetes and what can be done about it.
02- Type Two Diabetes' impact on cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as brain/mental health and happiness
03- Can it be healed? How?
04- Type One Diabetes. An explosion of Type One Diabetes -- why?
05- An extraordinary case story -- physical exercise's impact on the glucose curve
06- Is it possible to heal Diabetes Type 1?
07- Insulin resistance -- what is it and how it impacts the brain
08- Could be insulin resistance the main cause for aging?
09- Could you have insulin resistance and you don't know it? What can be done about it.
10- Insights from your client's diet report
11- Advanced Glycation End Products -- are we been "cooked" from within, and we do not even know it?
12- Coffee and the glucose system.
13-Junk food: Pizza, Subway friend or foe, the Soup Exchange friend or foe. Nutra sweet. Sodas. Fructose and high frustose. White sugar and white flour. Tortillas. White rice.
14- Could occasional binging on carbohydrates be helpful?
15- Overweight's impact on health, self-esteem, happiness and life span. How to loose weight. Are you up to the challenge?
16- Intestinal flora and the glucose pathway. How carbohydrates impact this powerful and sensitive internal ecosystem.
17- Our happiness may depend on the type of micro-organisms we have in our guts.
18- Do probiotic supplements really work? Any alternative?
19- The Three Golden Rules of Nutrition, or the Three Golden Rules of Happiness?
How to win the battle for good nutrition - apply this one trick and you will succeed.
20- The Glycemic Index and the trap of fruit and fruit juices
21- Nutritional deficiencies and the glucose metabolism -- protein and fat.s
i- Required Homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
iv- Reality show that demonstrates the impact of glucose management on mood, endurance, the so called mental strength, happiness and more.
4th Class: The Ultra Low Carbohydrate Diets -- Into the Realm of Ketosis
01-Tolerance to carbohydrates varies immnesely. Where are you on the scale? How age affects this tolerance? What are the consequences when we do not respect our body's tolerance to carbohydrates? Physical and mental consequences.
02- The main cause of aging. How to stop it all together.
03- Why optimum health and brain efficiency are no more than dreams unless we really stop all reactions to carbohydrates.
04- Can be that carbohydrates are the only non-essential macronutrient?
05- The glucose system vs. the ketons system
06- At what point does the miracle happen? Is it true that ketosis is better than sex? What does this mean really?
07- Does the ketogenic high protein diet have a serious problem? Can it be solved?
08- What about the ketogenic high fat diet? Does it have the same problem?
09- What is the promise of ketosis. Too good to be true?
A fresh start. Healing the glucose system at a deep level? Clinical work with the ketogenic diet. If it is so good, why the teacher was not practicing this diet?
10- The noble scientific origin of the ketogenic diets. When brain stability becomes a serious challenge.
11- The transition phase. Is it important to test for ketons' concentration. Do we need to be really that scientific to do this diet?
12- Will I lose too much weight?
13- Fat phobia. Any scientific basis?
14- Ketoadaptation vs. ketoacidosis.
15- Saturated fats, friend or foe? How the consumption of saturated fats impacts your internal lipids. What if you already have a metabolic disorder, will it make it worse?
16- The teacher's experience with this diet.
17- Fainting a symptom of dehydration. Tachycardia, palpitations, tiredness and fainting symptoms due to hypoglycemia during the induction period. Why one to two extra grams of sodium per day can help so much.
18- Short vs. long term weight loss. How to lose weight with this diet
19- Deadly moderation!
20- Is kidney damage a real concern?
Carbohydrates in our food. How to count effectively? Will you need to be picky?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
5th Class: Fats, Oils and the Brain
01- When it comes to select carbs is it OK to trust nature? When it comes to select protein is it OK to trust nature? When it comes to select fats should we trust nature again?
02- Does eating too much fat lead to cardiovascular disease and cancer? Really?
03- Does eating too little fat lead to Alzheimer disease? Why?
04- Triglycerides and Cholesterol? What are they really? Friends or foe?
05- What are the fatty acids, and why we need to understand the Fatty Acid Chains?
06- Saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules.
07- Their impact on health and happiness.
08- The five wonder oils.
09- Root cause of sixty different types of diseases, and primary cause of aging.
10- Why and under what conditions polyunsaturated oils may not be your best friends.
11- Causes and assessment for rancidity in oils.
12- Why some oils are more susceptible to rancidity and what can be done about it.
13- Industrial oils refining processes and consequences for human health. What can be done about it.
14- The history of the trans fat oils and their impact on health -- estimated premature deaths.
15- The FDA responsibility and what was the end of the story.
16- Coconut oil -- is it dangerous or it is the best oil ever?Why has it been demonized?
17- The essential Omega-3 fatty acids and their multiple impacts on health.
18- How to secure them in your diet.
19- What about Omega-6 fatty acids?
20- How the Omega-3 and Omega-6 are similar, and how they are different. Their ratio's impact on health. The present situation in the Western world and what can be done about it.
21- Attaining cellular flexibility and its impact on health, youth and life extension. Impact on the brain.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
6th Class -- Proteins; The Dance of Life and Death, Part 1 -- Animal Protein
01- Protein and the great drama of life on this planet; and perhaps on others. Why life in the ocean may not be as fun as we imagine.
02- The protein we choose can sustain life or take life -- it is up to us. Case story of a deadly high protein weight reduction diet.
03- A deadly taboo in the arctic circle.
04- What happens when university students visit a slaughter house
05- Vegetarianism may be a humane answer to the horrors of slaughter houses, but there are other factors to consider.
06- Proteins and amino acids.
07- Complete vs. incomplete proteins -- essential vs. non-essential amino acids.
08- Amino acids deficiencies and their impact on the brain's neurotransmitters.
09 Why "isms" may not be useful in nutritional counseling.
10- A ethical selective approach to protein compared with a dogmatic approach. Can you eat meat and still support the planet and the animals?
11- Is it true that every protein -- vegetarian or not -- can be consumed safely if we choose the best quality and the right quantity?
12- Is fish the greatest protein ever? Are we about to lose it?
13- Why there is mercury in my fish and how to remove it -- "the semen of Shiva." Impact of mercury on neurons -- university research. The safest fish species may not be safe for much longer -- unless we change the definition of safe :)
14- Any radioactivity in my fish? -- concerns about Fukushima. Fifty nuclear reactors in tsunami country. How ocean health and human health are connected. Why and how to avoid overfocusing on this unless you are an activist.
15- The aquaculture industry -- volume, growth and main players, future of the industry. Feed conversion rate.
16- How this risky and competitive business requires dangerous measures to subsist. What are these measures? How they affect teh human body?
17- Comparing wild vs farmed fish -- antibiotics, hormones, fat content, muscle content, GMO corn, dye, pro-inflammatory Omega-6, mercury, small vs big fish, nitrosamines.
18- What can we do to protect ourselves?
19- Ecological considerations in regard to the ocean and fish -- what percentage of the fish is already gone? Acidification of the oceans; does it have any impact on fish?
20- Could pesco-vegetarianism be the answer? Why this diet may allow us to feed 11 billion people hungry for protein.
21- Q&A
i- Required Homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
7th Class: Proteins and The Dance of Life and Death, Part 2: Animal Protein
01- Flying at 9,000 feet.
Is industrialized farmed beef a safe, healthy food? Any antibiotics? Hormones? Fat vs. muscle content. Any GMO corn? Any pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? Tranquilizers? Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
03- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
04- Ecological considerations for industrialized farmed beef. Total cattle population, demand on land, grain, gasoline consumption, FCR and its ecological consequences.
05- What is in the Free Range Grass Fed Beef? Any difference? -- Antibiotics? Hormones? Fat vs. muscle content. Any GMO corn? Any pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? Tranquilizers? Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
06- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions. Can folate and other foods and supplements help to compensate for these issues? To what extent?
07- Ecological considerations for organic, free range, grass fed beef. LCR and FDR.
08- Is industrialized farmed poultry a safe, healthy food for humans? -- Any antibiotics? Hormones? High fat content and little muscle i.e. soft meat? Any GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? What about tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
09- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
10- Is organic, free range, "naturally" fed poultry a safe, healthy food? Any antibiotics? Hormones? Fat vs. muscle content? Any GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory omega-6? Arachidonic acid? Tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
11- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
12- Ecological considerations for organic, free range, naturally fed poultry. What would be the impact on global warming if we all stopped eating beef and ate poultry instead? Poultry's FCR.
13- Are industrialized, farmed eggs a safe, healthy food? -- Any antibiotics? Hormones? GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? What about tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol? E-Coli?
14- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
15- Are organic, free range eggs a safe, healthy food? Any antibiotics? Hormones? GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? Tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol? E-Coli?
16- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
17- Are industrialized dairy products a safe, healthy food? Any antibiotics? Hormones? GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory omega-6? Arachidonic acid? What about tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
18- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
19- Are organic, free range, grass-fed dairy products good food for you? Any antibiotics? Hormones? GMO corn? Pro-inflammatory Omega-6? Arachidonic acid? What about tranquilizers? Nitrosamines? Cholesterol?
The best dairy products -- cow milk vs goat milk, cow cheese, cow milk yoghurt, goat cheese, goat milk yoghurt, aged vs fresh cheese, raw cow milk, raw goat milk.
More about dairy products: a powerful source of protein? Mucus forming? Allergy detonator? Pro inflammatory? How to attain a cholesterol of 600 and get three heart attacks before sixty. Age and consumption of cow milk?
20- What can be done about these issues -- practical solutions.
21- Fundamental conclusion and its impact on the planet. Ethical considerations. The power of the consumer.
i- Required Homework
ii- Recommended Homework
ii- Recommended Literature.
8th Class: Proteins and The Dance of Life and Death, Part 3 -- Plant Protein
01- Plant Protein
02- Significance of Dr Ernest Geiger's experiments in rats with corn and amino acid supplementation. Were his results accurate? Are they still valid? USC 1940s.
03- Best ways to overcome the limitations of plant protein.
04- Complete protein with less than ideal amino-acid distributions.
05- Legumes with Grains -- Organic Beans and Organic Brown Rice, Organic Lentils and Organic Brown Rice, Organic Corn and Beans, Couscous and Garbanzo Beans.
06- Gas is a real limitation for some. Any effective solution?
07- Grains: Organic Brown Rice, Quinoa, Millet, Couscous, Corn and so on.
08- Yes, there is a poison in our organic grains and legumes, but this simple practical measure solves the problem.
09- Power bars -- a dream that started 35 year ago.
10- Soy protein -- friend or foe?
11- Soy challenges and how to address them: GMO, trypsin inhibitors, phyto-estrogens, isoflavones endocrine disrupters, allergenic effects, hypothyroidism and lectins.
12- Soy and the ovo-lacteo vegetarian movement of the 70s and 80s
13- Fermented soy products: organic miso, soy yogurt, tempe, natto
14- Non-Fermented: organic soy milk, tofu, textured protein, soy protein powder -- organic and non-organic.
15- Final recommendations in regard to the use of soy products.
16- Nuts and seeds -- Nuts: walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, cashew nuts, hazel nuts, pine nuts, (peanuts), (Goji Berries)
17- Seeds: almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
18- Challenges and practical solutions to rancidity, aflotoxin and allergies. When low blood pressure becomes a problem. Excess vs moderation. Proteins that can be completed with grains and legumes - Chinese wisdom.
19- Final recommendations in regard to the use of plant protein.
20- Final recommendation for those interested in practicing a vegetarian, low-glucose diet.
21- About the recommended literature for the next class.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
9th Class: The Braverman System -- Simplest and Most Effective System to Brain Optimization™, Part 1
01- When you visit the shrink, what does he or she check first? From melatonin to serotonin.
02- The greatest and simplest system to optimum brain health and Brain Optimization™ -- how I learned about it, and why it is still the most practical and effective method.
03- The fundamental architecture of the brain. The "Four Breath of God."
04- What are the neurotransmitters really? What are they made of?
05- The four main neurotransmitters and their significance in orthodox psychiatry as well as in orthomolecular psychiatry.
06- Do you have a Western or an Eastern brain?
07- The three "brakes of the brain"
08- The "one at a time" principle of orthodox psychiatry vs. The holistic approach of orthomolecular psychiatry.
09- Are the new psycho-pharmaceuticals more dangerous than the old ones? Our student's story.
10- From a $400 per month medication to a $15 per month supplement -- a true story.
11- Feeling edgy?
12- Why every brain is different, and how to figure out the uniqueness of your own brain.
13- How to find out your neurotransmitter's deficiencies without paying one penny -- to doctors or laboratories.
14- The eight "magic" numbers and how to obtain them
15- Does it really work? One month to recovery from pathological ADD -- 6/2004 to 7/2006 -- 10,10,13,11 to 03,04,09,04
16- The power of simplicity.
17- What are the mental disorders that you can expect from specific deficiencies?
18- Impact on personality. Example, "The Cook"-- 18, 40, 34, 24.
19- Can we change our personality?
20- The three main dosages necessary for clinical work.
21- What if you really learn this methodology? Could you make a living and give a great service to your clients just with this method alone?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
10th Class: Part 2
Working with the student's brain numbers.
11th Class:The Braverman System -- The Simplest and Most Effective System to Brain Optimization™, Part 3
Working with the student's brain numbers.
12st Class -- Fundamentals of Anti-aging
01- Quick test to assess your biological age.
02- How monkeys helped us discover the power of supplements to extend youth and life.
03- What Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer had to say about the subject?
04- Is aging a mental program?
05- Is the body naturally capable of regenerating itself over and over indefinitely?
06- How to protect your body from deadly family genes?
07- How to protect body and brain from natural decline in cell energy production.
08- Excess weight produces disease and shortens life span -- what can you do about it?
09- As we age, should we gradually move towards a plant based diet? Does it make sense? According to solid research, animal protein may not be the best choice to extend youth and life; revisiting the subject.
10- Physical exercise as an anti-aging strategy -- does it really make a difference?
11- Practical ways to increase your levels of growth hormone.
12- Nobel Prize awarded to a scientist specialized in anti-aging.
13- This anti-aging supplement costs $8,000 per year! Would you buy it?
14- How was it discovered? How was it patented? Is it worth the money? Can you get it?
16- Can you get the same results without spending the money?
17- Would you like to live 1,000 years? Today it might be possible according to experts.
18- Life extension's impact on social security :) Does our dear government want us to live that long? Is it fair to live so long? Would it create social chaos? Really?
19- Decreasing external indications of aging. Is it important?
20- Hair loss and skin care.
21- How to continue your education in nutrition and stay informed in regards to scientific advances in anti-aging. How to make a living with your certification.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
13th Class -- 2nd Class on Anti-aging
14th Class: Sexual Hormones -- Are Bio-Identical Hormones Safe? All of Them?
01- Bio-identical hormones vs. pharmaceuticals.
02- Why pharmaceutical hormones are dangerous and why their business lacks integrity.
03- The genius that revolutionized this field.
04- When you need or don't need a doctor involved.
05- Inexpensive, high quality hormone panels for yourself and clients.
06- What happens when "the mother is absent" -- how the children behave?
07- What are the benefits that the research is proving over and over?
08- What could be the downside? Impact in men; prostate, testosterone and estrogen levels.
09- Impact in women, testosterone and estrogen levels.
10- Impact on the brain.
11- When is the time to start?
12- When weaker is better.
13- The three fundamental estrogens.
14- Cancer risk is not increased by using the right bio-identical estrogen.
15- Does weaker means less effective? -- not necessarily.
16- Bone density, heart health, multiple sclerosis and postmenopausal urinary tract health.
17- An anti-estrogen estrogen!
18- Legal considerations and protection of your consumer's rights: www.homecoalition.org
18- When "the mother becomes pregnant" -- clinical conclusions of the progesterone genius.
19- Estrogen dominance: what is really, how to solve it. Can the benefits be so many?! Where can I get it? How much? How to control it?
20- Progestins -- healing substances or a form of legal/organized crime? Shocking mandated disclosure by the State of California.
21- Why losing your masculinity or your masculine side is dangerous and what to do about it.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
15th Class: Natural Antibiotics -- Modern Microbe Hunters
01- Why the pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know this information, and what they are doing to make sure you don't get it.
02- If that fails, what they are doing to make sure that you can't get access to these substances, and why they will fail regardless of their efforts.
03- Are pharmaceutical antibiotics worthless then? Not yet.
04- Hydrochloric Acid Therapy -- why it works and what are the limitations
05- Enzymatic therapy -- why it works and what are the limitations.
06- Raw food and rawism. Could it be for you? Why so many fail after about three years? Is it some scientific truth here that you can put to good use? The art of raw cooking. Raw cooking classes offered by Viviana.
07- The probiotics promise.
08- The e-coli challenge. A near death experience.
09- What we can do if we get e-coli infection and how to prevent it in the first place.
10- Kombucha and other fermented foods that could be great for you. Are they that great?
11- When the Scientific American finally agreed with holistic medicine, did it give any credit to holistic doctors and researchers?
12- What are these new mainstream "discoveries" about? They are awesome in fact!
13- Is acid reflux curable? Or, you better keep taking your anti-acids?
14- When the inner ecology has gone South, what do you do? What about heading South too? The Mexican clinics not only treat cancer, they also treat Candidiasis -- which can be as painful as cancer.
15- Why the regular nutritional approach to candidiasis is impractical, and what can be done about it. Are you treating candidiasis or something else? Does it matter?
16- Including antibiotics in your everyday supplement program. If the veterinarian gives daily antibiotics to the cows, can you also take them daily?
17- Candidiasis messes up with your brain and also with your glucose control system.
18- IBS and the brain. IBS and your intestinal flora.
19- Bacteria in your mouth. Is that good?
20- How to wash your teeth safely for a lifetime of good dental health.
21- The standard of care in dentistry is quite convenient as a business model but, does it really work for you? Do you have any alternative?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
16th Class: How to Create a Rational Personalized Supplement Program.
01- The foundation of the building, and then the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors.
02- Multivitamin multi minerals and IQ. Multivitamin multiminerals and behavior.
03- When salmon is not enough. Salmon consumption and depression.
04- Is your brain shrinking?
05- Borderline pellagra? What to do about it?
06- Borderline scurvy? What to do about it?
07- "Now and then the sun rises," but in the Arctic....
08- Protecting your mitochondria.
09- How to create a Supplement Program Chart for your clients.
10- Reviewing The Six Column Brain Nutrition Supplement Decision Chart.
11- Example using student's numbers, or: 29, 31, 21, 24 -- 16, 17, 24, 07
12- Why it is necessary to apply the system to oneself --"healer heal thyself."
13- The neurotransmitter that will make you "powerful" and successful.
14- Intervening at different stages in the dopamine pathway for healing and optimization purposes.
15- Adaptogenic herbs and substances -- what are they, how they work, examples. An excellent book on the subject.
16- "Walking in the Tibetan mountains"
17- Are you becoming uncomfortably angry. Can just 200 mg be responsible for my anger? Why this precursor should be included.
18- Parkinson's Disease. What is it really? An interesting success story.
19- The neurotransmitter that will make your creativity explode. Should you eat more egg yolks? If it was so good for the monkeys, why not for me?
20- Wouldn't you like to have a calm brain? It might cross the brain barrier after all! Too little to be effective? When a calming, mild herb is concentrated 6 to 1. A success story with six capsules per day. What about 4?
21- Wouldn't you like to have a playful brain? From the thanksgiving turkey to the brain there is only one step in between. And in Chile it grows on the side of the roads.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
17th Class: Mineral Supplementation -- Impact on Youth and Life Extension, Agriculture and Civilization.
01- The twelve arbitrary essential minerals
02- Potassium -- when supplementation becomes quite a challenge.
03- Sodium -- salts that are poison for your body and salts that will make it sing.
04- Magnesium -- when supplementation becomes even more challenging.
05- Calcium -- friend or foe?
06- Zinc -- quite helpful, but to what extent?
07- Copper -- worst enemy? Are you sure?
08- Iodine -- Can I take THAT much?
09- Selenium -- is it THAT powerful?
10- Iron -- Do you want me to age prematurely and die, or to be well and oxygenated?
11- Manganese -- its name comes from "magic."
12- Phosphorous -- 60 mg in your coke, is it good for you?
13- Chlorine -- where do we get it?
14- The seven arbitrary non-essential minerals.
15- Sulfur -- Is it worth supplementing with it? Practical applications.
16- Chromium -- the clever mineral.
17- Cobalt -- yes, your brain may shrink!
18- Nickel -- friend or foe?
19- Fluorine -- a blessing for your teeth or an effective way to decrease the population? What about Prozac -- fluoxetine.
20 - Fascinating Strontium.
21- Molybdenum. Micro-minerals. Sea water. Mineralization and youth/life extension. The fascinating use of sea water in agriculture. How to produce a super body based on mineral abundance.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
18th Class: 1st Class on Orthomolecular Medicine -- Orthomolecular Psychiatry and Supplementation with Natural Substances in General.
11- Orthomolecular Medicine's Founding Fathers. What does it mean that they were "geniuses."
02- What is Orthomolecular Medicine really?
03- The power of natural supplements: how to age only two years in a period of twenty years -- implications. Safety record of natural substances -- the more supplements we take the further we may be from the grave? What about drugs... FDA reports on drug's safety.
04- Can we reverse the aging process?
05- 21st century medicine: why Orthomolecular Medicine and the use of natural substances are here to stay.
06- Youth Extension vs. Life Extension. The "Chinese curse" may not be true anymore.
07- If natural substances are so safe, are you ready to begin seeing clients?
08- Patient's compliance in Orthomolecual Psychiatry -- the greatest challenge in clinical work.
09- Practical ways to increase compliance with treatment -- a behavioral modification issue.
10- Revisiting and optimizing the most practical system to take supplements and its impact on compliance and personal wellbeing.
11- Revisiting the issue of resistance to taking pills, swallowing techniques, how to safely swallow 30 capsules in one gulp, and how to store supplements safely.
12- Revisiting negative interaction between supplements? Any positive ones?
13- Revisiting the feasibility of creating and following a supplement program for life -- what for?
14- Revisiting: can my supplement program replace my doctor? What about replacing my health insurance?
15- How to heal physical and mental imbalances as they arise.
16- The promise of Orthomolecular Medicine and natural substances to the United States, and how it may likely impact our economy.
17- The value of practicing Orthomolecular Medicine on oneself -- my mentor's story.
18- Dealing with unrealistic expectations in your client and why.
19- Could the use of natural substances be the most powerful, effective healing art method ever? Why?
21- A multivitamin multi-mineral is a good place to start supplementing your diet -- why? Why it is also insufficient. Best multivitamin multi-minerals in the market today.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
19th Class: Antioxidants and the Quest for Immortality.
01- Medical consensus about the immense value of antioxidants to stay healthy.
02- Free radicals role.
03- Sources of free radicals.
04- The amazing connection between aging diseases and free radicals.
05- Free radicals and cancer.
06- Stress and free radicals.
07- How antioxidants combat free radicals.
09- Vitamin C is molecularly similar to glucose. How this can help your body and mind.
10- How vitamin C kills cancer cells.
11- Antioxidants are "team players."
12- The ORAC values
13- USDA daily recommended dosage of antioxidants.
14- The sad truth about worldwide consumptionof antioxidants
15- Consumption of cofee in the US and its impact on antioxidant protection.
16- ORAC units in Vitamin C and in and other powerful antioxidants.
17- Antioxidants protect ALL your internal organs and every cell in your organsim.
18- CoQ10 helps the heartand the mitochondria
19- The marvelous NAC!
20- The power of endogenous antioxidants.
21- The aging process impacts your body's capacity to produce endogenous antioxidants.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
20th Class: 2nd CLass on Orthomolecualr Medicine -- Orthomolecular Medicine Made Easy, Part 1
01- "There is no other single substance or formula that can produce such remarkable properties, in terms of efficacy, long term safety and economy." The man behind these words. The calibration of a genius.
02- A must-read! Why? Finally a solution to schizophrenia?
03- A gift with many names. May be smoking is not that bad after all?
04- And the market is offering it in three different forms -- do all three work the same?
05- Was BW another genius? An extraordinary story about the beginnings of the 12 step program, why the program could have become twice as powerful, and how the opportunity was lost due to dogma and mental rigiditiy.
06- LSD, to reduce what?
07- The evolutionary hypothesis.
09- What substance the human body uses for digestive system, skin, nerves, to obtain energy from carbohydrates, to manufacture sex hormones and repair the DNA?
10- The three diseases that shaped medicine.
11- The missing molecule behind the nightmare.
12- What are the symptoms of this disease? Dermatitis, gastrointestinal disorders, and mental disturbances -- neurosis and psychosis.
13- The food that feeds the monster.
14- The secret behind tortillas...
15- The four Ds.
16- Long before death, they lost it to schizophrenia. 25% of mental hospitals' admissions were not mental patients -- but the symptoms were exactly the same!
17- One of the most controversial decisions in psychiatry ever -- was it a scientific decision or a business decision?
18- How every disease not treatable with nutrition is a billionaire business for the pharmaceutical industry. What was the immediate consequence? An alternative conclusion could have saved millions from untold suffering. Why? Who is right? My mentor 's case.
19- But what about neurosis? Impact on millions. Impact on big pharma. What about ADHD?
20- The best lipid regulator ever. Minimum therapeutic dosage. Anxiety, depression, ADHD, alcoholism, schizophrenia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, allergies, diabetes, stress, gastrointestinal disorders, leukoplakia, lupus erythematosus, senility, vascular disorders, hyperlipidemia. Can a single substance help with all this? pros and cons.
21- Q & A
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
21st Class: Miscellaneous Subjects
01- Supplements coming from China
02- Different forms of vitamin C
03- Fighting cancer with Vitamin C
04- Neurological disorders and damage to the mitochochodria
05- Autoinmune disorders and the mitochondria
06- Do high levels of iodine help with Hashimoto Disease?
07- Eating a variety of fruits
08- Neuroplasticity
09- Main principle of Orthomolecular Medicine
10- Use of drugs vs, natural apporaches to treat animals
11- Vertebrates' micronutrients requiremets for optimum health
12- Link between lack of good nutrition and disease
13- The value of continues Nutritional Coaching Sessions.
14- Where and when do you win or loose the battle for good nutrition?
15- Allowing children to eat junk food is child abuse.
16- We have built a sick world due to ignorance about the science of nutrition
17- The immense value of Nutritional Coaches in a world that is sick due to dangerous eating habits
18- And more...
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature.
This curriculum is subject to change anytime, at
the school and teacher's discretion.
Tuition and Fees
Note: For many years, BOHI Courses with Certification have been priced at u$5,000 each. However, due to the damage inflicted on the world economy by the globalist, including America, our prices have been lowered to u$2,500 (2,000 u$ when paying upfront.) I highly recommend that you to take advantage of these prices while they last -- Gian Girardi, BOHI founder.
10-Month Format with Classes Every Other Week: u$250.00 at the enrollment and u$250.00 per month, until the total tuition
price of u$2,500 is paid.
5-Month Format with Classes Every Week: u$500 at the
enrollment and u$500 per month, until the total
tuition price of u$2,500 is paid.
Upfront Payment: A 20%, u$500.00 discount is
available for upfront payment.
No hidden fees of any kind --
Contact Gian (BOHI Founder) at
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You can pay your tuition using your own PayPal account
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Student Agreement
To complete your enrollment process you will need to sign the BOHI Student Agreement. To read the agreement please click here

About the Teacher of this Course: Gian Girardi, founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute, was born in 1955 to an Italian/Spanish family in Chile. From early age he developed a deep interest in science and later in the humanities, particularly in spirituality and Awakening.
After his high school graduation, similar to the US, Gian had to take the SAT. Interestingly, at that time, the results were published in Santiago's main newspaper -- Santiago is the capital of Chile. He achieved one of the highest combined SAT scores in the country (math and language), with his verbal abilities ranking in the 99.97th percentile of the population (1 for every 3,000). At that time, engineering was the most sought-after career in Chile and he was accepted to pursue civil engineering at the country's most prestigious university.
Though he graduated as a civil engineer, Gian ultimately found the carrer unfulfilling. At the age of 30, he married Viviana, and their spiritual interests brought them to the U.S., where Gian earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and obtained the MFT (Marriage, Family Therapist) California State License to practice psychotherapy. Over the course of more than thirty years Gian, has accumulated extensive experience as a psychotherapist, nutritional counselor, wellness coach, spiritual psychology
counselor and teacher.
After a long, frustrating period of twenty four years practicing various forms of yoga, Gian became interested in Advaita a form of Jnana yoga -- the Yoga of Wisdom. Two well known Advaita teachers in the West are Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.
In the West, Advaita is known as Non-Duality, and due to its unparalleled effectiveness in facilitating the Awakened state, it is rapidly gaining popularity. Zen, in many respects, is similar to Non-Duality.
In Zen, Awakening is believed to occur through a "direct transmission between teacher and student." While books, videos, and audio recordings are useful, this direct interaction with an awakened teacher, seems to be necessary in many cases. In the Advaita approach, particularly in the West, the teacher-student relationship is informal, free from the complexities
and heaviness often asssociated with the
Guru-disciple relationship.
For Gian Awakening came gradually over a period of ten years, after finding the right path. Toward the end of this process, his interaction
with an awakened teacher was crucial.
Given his long career as a counselor and teacher, it was only natural for him to begin sharing insights into the awakened state, with his students, friends and clients. He started teaching Non-Duality in 2007.
He realized that no service can be of greater value than helping others to awaken, to their True Nature. This realization lead him to offer private sessions for those who yearn to discover what they truly are.
Several programs at BOHI can be a catalyst for Awakening, if you feel the need for the "direct transmission" consider signing for the Awakening Protocol or taking the course on Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality. Both programs will provide ample opportunities to interact directly with Gian.
As a teacher, Gian has been deeply focussed on developing a language that effectively transfer the experience of the Awakened state to his students. This "one on one transmission" does not occur through traditional means such as "the teachers touch to the spiritual eye of the seeker." Instead it happens through a conversation and specific Awareness exercises.
As a result, the language used must be concrete, precise and effective
at pointing the student toward his or her True Nature.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional question regarding this program
please feel free to...
contact Gian (BOHI Founder) at
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