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Wellness Coaching
One-on-One Sessions with Gian

-- Online Worldwide --

Wellnes Is a Path to Happiness

Unless you have attained deep detachment from your body, mind and soul — the instruments through which we perceive and experience life — the well-being of these instruments is essential to experiencing happiness. While spiritual growth often involves detachment from identification with the instruments of perception, most spiritual paths -- like yoga, zen and others -- also teach and recommned taking good care of these instruments. In a balanced path living a life conducive to wellness is the foundation to spiritual development. In Christianity, body mind and soul are considered the temple of God, and we are advised to deeply respect it.

The Golden Years Are the Time of the Harvest

As we age, life offers an opportunity to harvest the wisdom gained through years of experience. During the second part of life, after the age of 50, our life should be at its pick of creativity and happiness. But this is only possible, if we have good physical mental and spritual health. And in turn, good health will happen only if we know how to care for our body, mind and soul, and we have the discipline to implement such knowledge.

The Foundation of Wellness Is Self-Care and Self-Discipline

To make the most of the golden years, we must master the principles of
self-care that ensure the health and harmony of our instruments of perception. The cornerstone of wellness is self-care, which involves taking excellent care of the body, nurturing a balanced mind and addressing our soul's needs. Our soul needs are fundamentally three: creative expression, predominantly through our vocation, service to others and spiritual growth.

However, self-care is not always easy because it requires significant self-discipline. Without such level of discipline -- the foundation upon which true wellness is built -- we can't expect to stay healthy into the golden years. Without discipline, the wellness principle of "everything in moderation" becomes impossible to practice. Then, bad habits and poor lifestyle choices take control and destroy our physical, mental and spiritual well-being. While practicing self-discipline may seem difficult at first, it is far more challenging to live in a sick body or with an imbalanced mind or a dissatisfied, restless soul. But obviously this challenge is immense and as many have discovered, the help of a wellness coach can be very valuable.

Becoming Your Own Doctor, Therapist and Spiritual Guide

As alredy mentioned, achieving wellness requires the right knowledge, and discipline -- and both lead to invaluable self-empowerment. Relying and following dictates from doctors, therapists and spiritual leaders, disempowers you and does not work. True self-empowerment and wellness come from becoming your own doctor, therapist, and spiritual guide. By applying wellness principles, you can live in a way that allows you to enjoy the pleasures of life without damaging the health of your "temple" -- body mind and soul.

Wellness as a Path to Happiness

The pursuit of wellness is in itself a path to happiness. A path that is open to everyone, regardless of background or beliefs. If you don't follow any spiritual tradition, or even if you consider yourself an atheist, wellness is a universal concept that can bring you balance and fulfillment. By learning and practicing wellness, you can achieve a sense of vitality, peace, and satisfaction that will permeate every aspect of your life.

Wellness coaching can provide the tools and guidance necessary to
succeed at attaining and maintaining wellness, and thus realizing your
capacity for happiness regardless of spiritual belief.


Whether you are looking to enjoy your later years, or want to improve your overall well-being, wellness coaching provides you with the tools, support and guidance. Learn the universal principles of wellness, apply them, and realize your potential for happiness.


Gian's fee per session is $60. if you pay six sessions in advanced the price
per session lowers to $45. Total price for six sessions: $270

If you pay twelve sessions in advanced the price per session
lowers to u$40, and the total ammount to pay is: u$480

Call Gian Directly or Via WhatsApp: Gian's phone number
is +1(430) 422-7476. His WhatsApp number is +56 9 4236 0977. WhatsApp is superior as you can leave him a text or voice message anytime.

To Contact Gian Via E-Mail: Gian's email address is Gian&&&@###BrainOptimization.org (please eliminate the # and & characters from the address. They are there only to prevent robots from capturing the email and use it for spaming purposes.)

To maximize the probability of reaching Gian, consider doing both -- sending an e-mail and connecting with him via WhatsApp.


Making Your Payments at Our Website is Easy and Safe

You can pay for your sessions using your own PayPal account
or any major debit or credit card.

please follow this link.

