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The Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute

What Our Students Have to Say About BOHI

"The quality of education I received at BOHI is beyond compare. The teacher to student ratio is exceptional, often one on one! This allows BOHI to offer quality education in a uniquely personalized environment. I highly recommend Gian Girardi as a professor, and the BOHI for an exceptional experience. I loved the books chosen for the course. I also really liked the emphasis in discussing real cases to help the student develop clinical skills. I enjoyed the class atmosphere and it felt always comfortable to share personal concerns and experiences."

                                        Susan S. Dr. in Nutrition

More Testimonials



Who Are the Founders?

The founders of the Brain Optimization Holistic Institute are
Gian Girardi, MS, MA and Viviana Girardi, B.A. CYT.


Gian and Viviana, Santa Monica, 2011

Gian, founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute, was born in 1955 to an Italian/Spanish family in Chile. From early age he developed a deep interest in science and later in the humanities, particularly in spirituality and Awakening.

After his high school graduation, similar to the US, Gian had to take the SAT. Interestingly, at that time, the results were published in Santiago's main newspaper -- Santiago is the capital of Chile. He achieved one of the highest combined SAT scores in the country (math and language), with his verbal abilities ranking in the 99.97th percentile of the population (1 for every 3,000). At that time, engineering was the most sought-after career in Chile and he was accepted to pursue civil engineering at the country's most prestigious university.

Though he graduated as a civil engineer, Gian ultimately found the carrer unfulfilling. At the age of 30, he married Viviana, and their spiritual interests brought them to the U.S., where Gian earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and obtained the MFT (Marriage, Family Therapist) California State License to practice psychotherapy. Over the course of more than thirty years Gian, has accumulated extensive experience as a psychotherapist, nutritional counselor, wellness coach, spiritual psychology
counselor and teacher.

After a long, frustrating period of twenty four years practicing various forms of yoga, Gian became interested in Advaita a form of Jnana yoga -- the Yoga of Wisdom. Two well known Advaita teachers in the West are Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.

In the West, Advaita is known as Non-Duality, and due to its unparalleled effectiveness in facilitating the Awakened state, it is rapidly gaining popularity. Zen, in many respects, is similar to Non-Duality.

In Zen, Awakening is believed to occur through a "direct transmission between teacher and student." While books, videos, and audio recordings are useful, this direct interaction with an awakened teacher, seems to be necessary in many cases. In the Advaita approach, particularly in the West, the teacher-student relationship is informal, free from the complexities and heaviness often asssociated with the traditional
Guru-disciple relationship.

For Gian Awakening came gradually over a period of ten years, after finding the right path. Toward the end of this process, his interaction
with an awakened teacher was crucial.

Given his long career as a counselor and teacher, it was only natural for him to begin sharing insights into the awakened state, with his students, friends and clients. He started teaching Non-Duality in 2007.

He realized that no service can be of greater value than helping others to awaken, to their True Nature. This realization lead him to offer private sessions for those who yearn to discover what they truly are.

Several programs at BOHI can be a catalyst for Awakening, if you feel the need for the "direct transmission" consider signing for the Awakening Protocol or taking the course on Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality. Both programs will provide ample opportunities
to interact directly with Gian.

As a teacher, Gian has been deeply focussed on developing a language that effectively transfer the experience of the Awakened state to his students. This "one on one transmission" does not occur through traditional means such as "the teachers touch to the spiritual eye of the seeker." Instead it happens through a conversation and specific
Awareness exercises.
As a result, the language used must be
concrete, precise and effective at pointing the student
toward his or her True Nature.

Viviana was born in Southern Chile -- one of the most beautiful
places on the planet.

From early childhood she felt inclined towards sports and Physical Education. She graduated from the prestigious University of Chile with a BA in Physical Education.

In her early twenties she felt a deep interest in the spiritual life and Yoga and has had a personal Yoga practice for over thirty five years. She is certified as a Yoga teacher by Erich Shiffman, as a therapeutic yoga practitioner by Cherri Clampett, and as a Reiki Master (level 3) by
Helle Pearson.

BOHI students rave about her food! As a cook her dishes are artistic, colorful and well-presented, including raw, vegetarian, and ethnic.

Viviana's raw food at one of BOHI's One Day Workshops



The Brain Optimization Holistic Institute

The Institute has been serving its students, clients and friends since March 2005. March 2018 marked our 13th anniversary.

Statistics show that after 5 years, only 10% of businesses are still in business. Our school already overcame that challenge time ago and is becoming, day by day a solid online educational institution, and an example that other schools are following. We thank our students for their trust and support.

BOHI approach to graduate education is unique. As our students have found out participating in our school guarantees to have a very personalized training, very difficult to find anywhere else.

The Brain Optimization Holistic Institute especializes in flip-learning education. This revolutionay method consists of a combination of video-classes and one-on-one coaching session with the teacher on Skype, phone or in-person.

The Brain Optimization Holistic Institute has been one of the first educational institutions to offer this revolutionary approach. Now is been implemented by major Universities all over the world.

Advantages of the Flip-Learning Approach to Education

The Flip-Learning Method offers unique possibilities of customized education, to address the personal needs of the student.

For example:

We have been able to serve celebrities and professionals working in the film industry with extremely erratic and busy schedules.  BOHI's unparalleled class schedule flexibility has allowed them to pursue their studies and certifications regardless.

We have young students with great potential as counselors, teachers and coaches, but with no previous training in psychology. We have students enrolled in the same program, that are in their fifties and have been working for a lifetime in the counseling and teaching professions.  It is the flip-learning method what allows us to customize our programs and serve them with equal effectiveness.

The one-on-one coaching aspect of the Flip-Learning approach allows us to address effectively, psychological, spiritual, vocational or professional challenges affecting our student throughout the course. The student is provided with proper counseling and support until the issues are resolved or transcended.

We have found through the years that these challenges are extremely valuable, not only for personal development, but also for the student's professional development. For example:

in our Certification in Brain Optimization™ with Emphasis in Nutrition, we have had students suffering from severe depression and painful dependence on pharmaceuticals. Throughout the certification course, with support and counseling, they were able to free themselves from the depression and their dependence on pharmaceuticals. And of course, a student that has a personal experience like this, is bound to become a better Brain Optimization™ Counselor.

We have had students experiencing difficult relationship issues. The Certification Course in Wellness/Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology, provided them with the support and counseling necessary to solve their issues, and establish healthier relationships. These healing experience will allow the student to be more effective in the future; when their own client is facing relationship difficulties.

We had a student that during the course in Psychology of Consciousness experienced multiple, challenging life situations, including law suits, relationship issues, and painful childhood memories that needed resolution. The coaching sessions allowed us to support and counsel him one on one, until these challenges were transcended and solved.

This healing process offers invaluable educational material to help our
student become an effective practitioner.


Does Flip-Learning Education Cost More?

The answer is no. Flip Learning Education is uniquely cost effective and does not compromise the quality of education whatsover.

Certification Program


Where Are We Located?

The Institute began operating in Studio City California

Later, for years our classes were broadcasted from the conference
rooms of The Shores Towers in Santa Monica, where local students
were participating in person.

Then we moved the Institute to Glendale, where we had three
times the space we had available in Santa Monica -- space we need as BOHI continues to grow.

Then we moved to Sedona, Arizona. We are pursuing buying a specific property for the Institute. This will allow us to create a spiritual retreat and to have our international headquarter.

Here, some pictures from the time we spent in Santa Monica:

The Shores Towers in Santa Monica.

Santa Monica Beach; magnificent view from the North Tower 15th floor.

Students during a presentation class on Brain Optimization with
Emphasis in Nutrition --
Conference Room North Tower.

   Gian Girardi BOHI Founder and teacher Art Galest walking on the Shores during a workshop

Gian Girardi, founder, walking
 with Art Galest in The Shores' lobby, during one of the  breaks
of the last workshops presented in Santa Monica. Mr. Galestian
gave an excellent presentation on "how to use social networks 
to market your private practice."

Dirk, BOHI's wizard of technology, computers and videography.


Sunset in Glendale California



Due to the spiritual nature of some of our courses with certification, we are occasionally asked whether we are connected to a church, sect or cult. The answer is the following:

The Brain Optimization Holistic Institute is not connected in anyway with a church, sect or cult. BOHI is strictly an academic institution.

We guarantee also that our Certification Course in Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality is presented in an atmosphere absent of all dogma, and spiritual paraphernalia.

The course is based on a fundamental and simple principle, which is compatible with science:

"to have an honest, direct looking into our own human experience, and... to trust what we see."

This honest seeing cuts through endless, false beliefs that
cloud our view and keep us in bondage.

Awakening happens as a result of this simple,
honest looking within.

