5 to 10 Month Course with Certification
in Wellness Coaching with Emphasis
in Cognitive Psychology -- BOHI's Flip-
Learning Method
BOHI has been certifying students all over the world for 18 years. Now can be your time!
Note: All the information you'll need about this course is available in this page. This includes testimonials from previous students,
the outline for each one of the 21 three-hours classes,
and all necessary logistic
information, including prices and how
to safely pay your tuition in this website.
Please just keep scrolling down.
"If you have learned to take good care of your mind-body system and your soul needs, you are firmly established on the path to happiness."
Gian Girardi, BOHI Founder
Available Worldwide
This Certification Course is a practical as well as advanced form of Wellness Coaching. It teaches the student how to take good care of his/her instruments -- the body, mind and soul -- to feel better, and how to identify and stop neglecting the agenda their soul agenda. It is not possible, or at least very difficult, to be happy, to feel good, and attain our authentic goals while having a sick body or an imbalanced mind -- not to mention a neglected soul agenda. This course prepares the student to coach others how to also free themselves from the suffering that springs from these fundamental levels.
Note: Upon completion of any course in the BOHI's "Flip-Learning Method" you will receive a Certificate of Completion granted by the Brain Optimization Holistic Institute™.
Individual Wellnes Coaching Sessions
with the Teacher of this Course
If you are looking for Wellness Coaching Sessions you
may also check this program
About BOHI's
Educational Learning Method
An unmatched educational system that
combines video-classes with one-on-one coaching
sessions. Its unparalleled flexibility allows
the student to attend classes and one-on-one
coaching sessions anytime, and anywhere
in the world, from the comfort of their own home!
From One of Our Graduate Student About
the Teacher of This Course
Gian is a professional teacher. I have found his private sessions, meditations, and classes a work of art. My time with Gian has been life-changing not only from a physical standpoint, but mentally and spiritually as well. I signed up for a brain/body nutritional class with Gian back in 2009; wow! How that improved my life from a physical standpoint. Then I attended some meditation sessions that Gian held on the weekends and again, what a spiritual revelation! Since then I have continued seeing Gian for private sessions, and again, what insights have come! Gian is not only a wise man, but his teaching style is outstanding and his compassion and intuition are life changers! -- Mark
To learn more about the teacher of this course, please scroll
down to the bottom of the page.
Toourse, please scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page.
From Our Graduate Students
About the Course Itself
I have benefited both personally and professionally from the course in Wellness Coaching at BOHI. The curriculum provides a multi-dimensional framework that addresses the complexities of the human experience and how to successfully guide clients through all these layers towards healthier, happier lives. I learned so many useful tools from the lectures and found the one-on-one sessions with Gian to be extremely valuable. The fact that he takes the time to answer questions, delve deeper into content, and be your personal Coach, sets this program apart from other coaching programs. I highly recommend the program for both personal and professional development -- Jennifer Miller
The first time I met Gian and Viviana was at one of their free weekend sessions in Studio City. I immediately loved and deeply connected to their energy. The space was beautifully decorated by Viviana with fresh flowers. There was lots of "love" in the place. Gian led us through a powerful meditation and I remember thinking, as a teacher myself, that he was an excellent teacher. I kept in touch with Gian and always had an interest to become a coach, so I enrolled for his
It was one of the best choices I have ever made. Gian is one of the wisest and most accepting, non judgmental people I know. What he has taught me has been an invaluable asset in both my personal growth and ability as a coach/ teacher. I loved attending my personal sessions with him and he was extremely generous with his time and knowledge. He is a brilliant man. In fact he is so highly intelligent that only a certain type of student will be drawn to him -- one that wants to truly go deeply into the material and into understanding life's complexities and mysteries.
I highly recommend both of them -- Gian for any of his programs, and Viviana for
her yoga retreats and her amazing raw food cooking classes, for which she
possesses a special gift.
I am thankful to have met them both -- Sirsa Shekim, CLC
Access to Information About this Course
All information needed
can be found by scrolling down this page.
Learn from the Pioneers that Triggered the Brain Optimization™ Movement.
BOHI has been serving the United States and the
world at large for 15 years, since 2005, providing cutting edge professional education. The trade mark "Brain Optimization™" today part of our everyday language, was granted to the founder of our Institute back in 2007!
A Vocational Certification Course, Also Well-Suited For Personal and Transpersonal Development
This course is designed to fulfill the vocational needs of practitioners wanting to work in the fields of Coaching, Counseling, Teaching and Healing. It is also designed for those desiring to attain personal healing and/or personal development.
The emphasis of the course is in Cognitive Psychology, one of the most powerful scientifically validated talk therapy, ever developed
to help the client feel good.
Enrollment all Year Round
Contact Gian (BOHI Founder) directly at
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Two Formats to Choose From
10-Month Format: 10-month certification course, flip learning
method -- an effective combination of video classes and one-on-one coaching sessions. A 3-hour video-class and 1-hour coaching
session every other week for 42 weeks. It requires to pay the tuition in advanced or during the 10 months period.
5-Month Format: 5-month certification course, flip learning
method -- an effective combination of video classes and one-on-one coaching sessions. This format consists of a 3-hour video-class and 1-hour coaching session every week for 21 weeks. It requires to pay the tuition in advanced or during the five months period.
Location: Online Worldwide on Skype, WhatsApp or phone.
Note: Time limit to obtain your certificate of completion is three (3) years since your date of enrollment. Beyond that, no certificate of completion will be awarded, unless there is a valid reason to make an exception.
About Wellness Coaching: "If you have realized the power of self-caring, most especcially having a good diet, doing physical exercise, thinking positively and pursuing your true vocation, you are on the way to master
the foundation of happiness."
"If you have learned to decrease negative thinking to a minimum, about yourself and your life situations, you are firmly
established on the path to happyness."
Gian Girardi, founder
How BOHI's Enrollment
Process Works
First: Please contact us via email stating which one of
BOHI's Certification Courses, in the Flip-Learning Method, you
would like
to pursue. To find our email, please continue scrolling down.
Second: We will send you via email, a welcoming letter containing
BOHI's Student Agreement.
Third: After reading the Student Agreement you will be ready to follow simple instructions (indicated at the beginning of the Agreement) to sign it and send it back to us. (no printing is necessary)
Fourth: You
pay the course at our Student Online Tuition
Payment Center
Fifth: You will receive access to the first video-class via email (more about thsi below.)
How BOHI's One-On-One,
Flip-Learning Method Works
1- The student watches a 2 1/2 to 3-hour video-class and write down notes, as well as questions for the up-coming one-on-one coaching session.
2- At the end of the video class he/she answers a quiz consisting of 21 true / false question, and sends it to his/her coach via email. The coach may look into his/her student's answers, but quizzes and students at BOHI are not graded. The right answers, and the rationell behind those answers, will be presented at the beginning of the next video-class.
3- The student meets with his/her coach, for a one hour, one-on-one coaching session, on Skype, WhatsApp, phone or in-person.
4- At the end of the coaching session the student receives an email containing links to access the next video-class. He or she and their coach, schedule their next one-on-one coaching session. The process repeats 21 times until the whole course is completed.
5- The student writes a final three pages disertation on a subject of their choice. Completion of this last step allows him or her to graduate and receive their certificate of completion.
Online Worldwide. All communication via E-Mail and Skype or WhatsApp
Dates and Class Schedule
BOHI's Flip Learning Format, allows our students to enroll anytime they desire to do so, conditioned only to our teachers' time availability.
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it for spamming purposes.
Time Commitment For BOHI's
Certification Courses Presented in the
Flip-Learning Method
10-Month (recommended)
Video Classes: Each video class is about 3 hours long. In this format the student will need to watch one class every other week.
Coaching Sessions One-on-One: Each coaching session is 1 hour long. In this 10-month format the student will have one coaching session every other week.
Answering the Written Quiz (Required Homework): If you studied the video-class and wrote down notes, it should not take more than 5 to 15 minutes to complete the quiz for that class, and send
it to the teacher via e-mail.
Extra Homework: A commitment of about six hours per month is recommended. The student can do more homework based on their time availability and enthusiasm. This time will be allocate to the
following activities:
1- Reading books and written material
recommended by the teacher in the
video-classes or by their coach. (optional)
2- Watching specific movies or documentaries (optional)
3- Doing research on any subject related to the course.
Total: The aproximate time commitment necessary to participate in the regular 10-month format, with classes every other week, is about 15 hours per month. (4 per week aprox)
5-Month Format
The 5-month format, with classes every week, requires twice
as many hours per month (30 hours per month aprox)
Commitment to Apply the Knowledge
Acquired to One's Own Life
All BOHI students are encouraged to apply the knowledge acquired to their own lives. BOHI courses aim primarily at helping the student improve his or her life, so that later they know how to help others do likewise. Intellectual knowledge has value, but it is not enough.-
Final Paper
At the end of this course a three-page paper is required in order to
obtain the final certification. The student can choose any subject
they found interesting or valuable during the course.
Course Curriculum
Disclosure: The curriculum for this course
as presented below, is a very close approximation to
the actual material presented class by class,
however, it is not exact, and some
unimportant variations may happen.
Additional Note: For reasons pertaining
the organization of the coures, the video-classes in
Cognitive Psychology have been moved to the
end of the course.
A scientific approach based on research which demonstrated that taking intelligent care of our human needs leads to happiness.
01- The research that lead to the discovery of the model. Why Self Caring is a scientific path to happiness.
02- Introducing the psychometric instruments -- Self Caring Inventory and Subjective Happiness Scale
03- Why this is a unifying paradigm for life.
04- How Self-Caring impacts the realization of our goals.
05- Why improving Self-Caring is a better model than behavioral modification and the correcting bad habits approach.
06- Why Self-Caring is the foundation of the Spiritual Life
07- Self Caring as a path to happiness vs. Self-Caring as neurosis
08- Needs vs. Wants. Likes and dislikes. Human needs
09- Why the development of our soul potentialities is a need and what we can do about it.
10- As long as we believe that there is a separate self suffering is inevitable. However, we can reduce it immensely -- how to do this effectively.
11- Self-Caring impact on health -- Stockholm's research
12- Self-Caring impact on money.
13- Self-Caring impact on love.
14- The students take the Self Caring Inventory and the Subjective Happiness Scale during the class.
15- Evaluating the results.
16- If you are a Wellness Coach, how you can use these instruments to help your clients. Why they provide an invaluable assessment.
17- Extremely poor results in these tests indicate....
18- The importance of education is supreme. Adequate knowledge can save us from mountains of suffering. Examples...
19- Where this invaluable knowledge can be attained and why mainstream education does offer even the minimum knowledge to live a successful life.
20- Overview of each one of twenty one fundamental human needs, and pointing the path towards mastering them.
21- Why education today, including higher education, often perpetuates the victim state. How the education available at BOI constitutes a holistic, complete path to happiness, and to the end of suffering.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- The three variables that control happiness according to the most popular belief system in the planet
02- Evaluation of how well the student is doing based on this model
03- Why not only it does NOT work, but in fact it is a dangerous philosophy of life -- leading to suffering.
04- The most ancient wellness model -- the yogic approach to happiness. The ancient concept of sadhana
05- Evaluation of how well the student is doing based on this model
06- Does it work?
07- BOHI Wellness approach to happiness and success
08- Evaluation of how well the student is doing based on this model
09- Why it works, and why it is more practical than all previous models
10- The three complimentary factors
11- The role of meditation -- can it help? what for? Could meditation produce suffering?
12- The immense challenge of attaining wellness and how to win the battle
13- Old habits are hard to die -- is it true?
14- The role of self-discipline -- does it play a role really?
15- The role of a balance life -- is balance really that important?
16- The role of will power -- is developing will power necessary to attain wellness and happiness? If I want to develop it, how do I do that?
17- How fear prevents happiness, and how we can attain fearlessness
18- The anchoring technique to change mental and physical habits -- "tiny changes in direction lead to a completely different port."
19- The reminders method and the intentional approach to changing hard to die mental and physical habits
20- Is abstinence necessary to change habits that we know lead to suffering? How to.
21- How to put under full control the 4 most powerful forces that control your wellness and happiness. The role of education. The old sadhana model revisited.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- How to attain balance from a nutritional perspective -- the perfect, balanced dish
02- The value of pleasure -- why your health depends on it. Culinary pleasure as an art -- pursuing pleasure instead of quantity
04- Soothing negative feelings with food -- why it works and why it doesn't
05- The most dangerous addiction affecting the US population is not alcohol, cigarettes or drugs, and it is easy to solve -- education!
06- The physical energy system of brain and body
07- The Ten Golden Rules of Nutrition
08- How to win the battle for good nutrition -- it is easy if you just know "this one trick..."
09- How many meals a day?
10- Are you taking away my carbohydrates? are you serious?
11- What happens when we eat too much?
12- How much protein I really need? Vegetarians says I do not need much
13- Is organic, free rage and grass fed worth the extra money?
14- What type of food you want to have at home for sure
15- Is food in restaurants healthy for your body and mind? Does it depend on the restaurant?
16- What are the best oils for my brain and body?
17- Rotation, does it help? What for?
18- Respecting your genes and body
19- What is more important, physical exercise or a good nutrition? How do they interact?
20- How you can enjoy pizza everyday without harming yourself (if you know enough.) The Italian paradox brought to the next level.
21-How to use nutrition to succeed in sports and professionally.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Why verbal communication is so fundamental.
02- The first and most fundamental principle of good, effective communication*
03- Effective versus poor communication
04- "When your client wants to complain endlessly"
05- The clipboard technique and dealing with extraversion *
06- When you feel upset with your client. The importance of addressing it. Why it is likely that a boundary has been trespassed.
07- Healthy boundaries with your client*
08- Why it is better not to abandon your client
09- When the client stops coming
10- The risk of becoming coercive
11- How to confront your client without damaging the relationship
12- Patience -- why and how
13- Carl Roger and his mission *
14- Empathic listening -- why it works and why it doesn't, and why it is a technique and it is not a technique.
15- Unconditional regard. What is the core of the practice
16- On becoming emptiness to overcome judgment. The most powerful counseling technique*
17- Do you like your client? How this impacts outcome? What to do when you do not like him or her.
18- Non-Violent Communication. The core of the technique and its two satellites.*
19- The "Truth Principle." The game of truth: communication based on content vs. communication based on context -- two practical examples: criticism and laughing about others.
20- The power of non-verbal communication*
21- Summary: the seven fundamental tools to attain good communication with the client.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- The Myers-Briggs system
02- One of Jung's greatest insight is the most neglected by mainstream psychology
03- The eight Jungian functions of the personality
04- The long history of the four basic personality types -- more than 2,000 years!
05- The four types and the four lobes of the brain
06- What is your type?
07- Four different instruments for temperament assessment
08- What percentages of each one of the types are you?
09- Why it is a must to know your client's personality type
10- Why the personality should be presented back to the client in a positive light
11- Development of the eight Jungian Functions is a path towards higher and solid spiritual development; however...
12- Are you the personality? If you aren't, what are you then?
13- The 4 main Myer-Briggs types
14- The 16 Myers Briggs sub-types
15- Which type will likely be your future clientele?
16- Application of the Myers-Briggs to marketing your skills as a Coach
17- The idealist confusion
18- The connection to vocational counseling and selection of personnel
19- The types are the foundation of civilizations
20- The Idealist's desire for a more enlightened civilization
21- Awakening to the personality -- the short route and the never ending slow mainstream approach.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Vocation and psychopathology in the US
02- Gaston's case
03- The Actor that gave up his career
04- The hair stylist that got scared, and changed her vocation for a "safe" secretarial job. Why safety can be extremely dangerous -- Joes's case
05- The right and left brain
06- Authenticity a shortcut to happiness
07- The use of the Myers-Briggs
08- The vocations is of the soul
09- Does an ego psychology have something to offer when it comes to "reconnecting."
10- The need for more research in soul psychology
11- Crucial questions to "reconnect" your client with their vocation.
12- The one million dollar question
13- Does childhood has anything to do with vocation?
14- The enjoyment factor
15- The meditation approach to finding your vocation
16- The intentional approach to finding your vocation
17- The vision quest of the native American's
18- Conscious avocation as a path for growth and transformation
19- Decreasing resistance to an avocation experience
20- Interests vs. vocation
21- integrating our interests in a coherent whole.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
1- The origins of Cognitive Psychology
2- Research at Pennsylvania University with depressed patients
3- How CBT became the most popular psychotherapy in the US.
4- Differentiating thoughts and feelings -- why this is fundamental to attain personal growth
5- Inner and outer differentiation
6- The fundamental principle of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
7- The 4 main thought distortions
8- Should Statements - the bossy language
09- Origin in military language and monasticism
10- Freud's Super Ego conceptualization
11- Resistance to what is = suffering = should statements
12- Jumping to conclusions
13- All-nothing thinking
14- Labeling
15- What are you really?
16- When did the confusion begin?
17- Additional distortions: emotional reasoning and others
18- The 3-columns technique
19- The 4 column technique - why?
20- The 5 column technique - why?
21- How to use the column technique to evolve personally and spiritually.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Deep psychology from a cognitive perspective
02- Faulty beliefs lead to suffering
03- The down arrow technique
04- The down arrow technique applied to motivations reveals the purpose of life
05- Why a loss of self-esteem is at the root of our suffering and how it can be demonstrated
06- Seven fundamental vulnerabilities of the ego or personality
07- How to assess your personal vulnerabilities (DAS)
08- Freeing oneself from the need for approval
09- Are you addicted to love?
10- Your work = your worth? The achievement trap
11- Why and how we need to overcome perfectionism
12- Entitlements, Omnipotence and Autonomy
13- Dreadful equations that control life in ego consciousness
14- The roots of workaholism and perfectionism
15- The root of greed
16- When self-image begins to rule life
17- What the mind is really? -- the concentric circles model
18- The Collective Silent Assumptions -- CSI
19- Why there is only a partial escape until Awakening and Embodiment happen
20-What is Awakening really and how to attain it
21- How to heal through thought:
- The four paths to healing
- Removing false beliefs -- mostly coming from our own culture
- Understanding that thought reigns supreme int he Universe
- The mind-Body organism has to believe in the power of thought to heal.
- Commands from Consciousness require Awakening.
- Impersonal Affirmations
- Access to the power to create anything does not imply having everything -- perfect health or complete abundance.
Attachement in relationship is poison
I need to complete myself -- He is mine, she is mine
Core beliefs about me -- I am "me."
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Metaphysical origins of the Victim to Victor evolutionary model
02- Characteristics of the Victim State vs the Victor State
03- Intermediate levels
04- How to find out in which level you are in
05- Parallels of the human evolution and the soul evolution
06- Independence as the path to victor-hood
07- The death of the dependent self and the process of building self-confidence
08- Why the Victor State is a mental state and can affect anyone -- rich and poor, healthy and sick individuals
09- The importance of mirroring
10- The value and perils of confronting -- confronting vs criticizing
11- The most fundamental assumption in metaphysics is the existence of the "me"
12- Why everyone’s tests are different for the same goal?
13- Turning failure into success -- making lemonade out of a lemon. Why a good trying is success already
14- Why and how to define success for oneself, and what is the best general definition
15- Sharing your success and failures appropriately with the client
16- The path of action and accomplishments -- will power, courage, why the hero needs to be brought to the surface
17- Abraham-Hicks and other metaphysical teachings position about action
18- The manipulations of the victim vs manipulations of the victor
19- Action vs Self Caring -- which one is more important
20- Why helping your client to move from waiting to doing is a great success.
21- Setting Goals during the Wellness Coaching process, and checking that they are authentic. Is this necessary?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- The DSM-IV and how it works
02- When you suspect a mental disorder
03- Mood disorders vs. personality disorders
04- Depression -- motivation and sadness
05- Mild, moderate, severe depression -- how to asses them
06- Self report of levels of depression
07- When to refer your client to a psychotherapist or a holistic psychiatrist
08- Anxiety -- worries and fear
09- Normal vs. abnormal anxiety
10- Mild, moderate, severe and extreme anxiety -- how to asses them
11- The mockingbird of diseases and the loop between anxiety and its symptoms
12- Panic Disorder -- an initiation into the mysteries of the mind?
13- Connections between anxiety and depression -- which one is more painful?
14- The main personality disorders
15- Childhood disorders -- ADD / ADHD, ODD...
16- How to assess for ADD / ADHD and what to do about it. Mainstream, alternative treatments and when to refer the client to a license professional.
17- Caffeine vs Met-amphetamines. The spiritual aspect of ADD
18- OCD, Bipolar and other less common disorders
19- Personality disorders vs mood disorders
20- How to assess them using the DSMIV-R
21- Legal considerations?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
1- Need for harmonious, meaningful relationships, inlcuding romance is a human need
2- Soul mates -- does it exist? What is it really?
3- Soul contracts
4- Why the end of a relationship is not necessarily a failure
5- Assessing the quality of a couples relationship
6- Why the Myers Briggs is a powerful tool for couples coaching
7- When you should suspect serious incompatibility. How to use the system to find your life partner.
8- Personality disorders and their role in dysfunctional couple relationships
9- Four destructive communication styles and how to uncover them
10- Resolving conflicts through Non-Violent Communication
11- Sexuality a source of harmony or inharmony in the couple relationship
12- Sex as a weapon
13- Being faithful -- is it important?
14- The victim and perpetrator cycle. How to counsel when there is domestic violence.
15- Satisfaction with each other's role in the relationship. Is it fair?
16- The search for intimacy
17- Poor vs. rich verbal communication
18- The relationship between verbal intimacy and sexual intimacy
19- Common interests and how they can become a source of closeness or of competition and aggression.
20- Expressions of affection and how to help the couple leave the coach's office in harmony
21- Summary -- the six powerful tools of the couples coach and how to become skillful at them.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- One of the most exciting areas to work? -- it depends
02- Cooperating with evolution
03- The nurse and neurofeedback
04- Substance abuse as a spiritual accelerator
05- The value of sensory pleasures to experience a healthy life
06- Assessing for substance abuse and chemical dependency -- how much and how long.
07- The holistic/wellness model -- four basic factors and the Psychology of Consciousness (Spiritual Psychology)
08- Attaining the first milestone -- letting go of denial and attaining sobriety.
09- Substance abuse.
10- Low rate remission; an indication of serious failure in mainstream approaches to substance abuse
11- Every client should be in the 12 step program?
12- Substance abuse and nutritional deficiencies
13- Nutritional interventions to correct deficiencies -- Mv Mm, D3, B12, Omega-3, Muti aminoacid, B1, B3, Vit C
14- Niacin and Bill Wilson
15- The power of company
16- Impact on relationships
17- The twelve step programs -- value and limitations
18- Psychedelics in the treatment of substance abuse
19- The addictive personality or the addictive brain? Balancing the neurotransmitters
20- Is the addict a seeker? Why Spiritual Psychology (Psychology of Consciousness) can help immensely.
21- Who should work in this field? How the call to work in this field, and in other fields manifests? Creating a recovery center?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
1- Healing and the four pillars of Wellness Coaching
2- The nine fundamental rules of nutrition -- is your client violating them?
3- When the foundation is solid what can we do to trigger healing through natural substances
4- Where we can find the best information online to heal every known and unknown disease
5- Where to buy the best holistic manual to heal every known disease with natural substances
6- How to buy an affordable health insurance, or how to feel safe without health insurance
7- How to create a powerful affordable healing system at home based on nutritional medicine
8- Where to buy the best nutritional supplements at a very reasonable cost and create a profitable business to help oneself at consolidating a Wellbness Coaching practice.
9- How to have access to excellent medical tests for little money
10- Winning the battle of keeping body and brain free of contaminants, like heavy metals.
11- The two best antibiotic created by nature - how to produce them at home and how to use them.
12- Using effectively the power of suggestion to heal, and why it is so fundamental to never misuse it.
13- How to practice preventive medicine at home
14- Intentional Medicine -- the use of non-linear substances to attain healing at home
15- How to get the best non-linear substances available today
16- How to produce intentional substances
17- Use of non-linear substances to free oneself from the root of all diseases -- spiritual ignorance
18- Healing your pets -- preventing disease in your pets and healing them with natural, inexpensive, safe methods.
19- The power of prayer to heal and how to use it
20- Projecting energy through your hands
21- Healing vs. teaching to take care of the body/mind organism.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- What is the self-concept about -- just a basket of ideas about me?
02- The impact of self-concept on happiness
03- How psychotherapy helps at improving self-concept
04- How Wellness Coaching does the job better and more efficiently. Affirmations while exercising
05- Where is the self-concept located?
06- What is the nature of the self-concept?
07- If I am not what I think I am then what I am really?
08- How the self-concept is created, how it evolves and when will it end?
09- The self-concept inventory
10- How to use it for oneself and clients
11- Low, average and high self-concept
12- Self concept versus self-esteem
13- Self-concept vs. self-acceptance
14- Controversial research on self esteem
15- Accomplishments and self-esteem. The "I can't" is the greatest impediment
16- Powerful impact of self-concept on our everyday life and in our level of success
17- Is narcissim a good personality trait?
18- Loving oneself unconditionally -- the Awakening of the heart center. The difference between compassion towards oneself and self-pity. Liking oneself with detachment (wisdom)
19- How to improve the self-concept of your client in one session and with one intervention
20- How to improve the self-concept of your client through a period of many sessions
21- The power of the "I am this" affirmations.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- What is success really? Three healthy definitions, and how an unhealthy definition leads to disease, inauthenticity and failure
02- The Wellness Path to Success -- four fundamental variables leading to health, success and happiness.
03- How to become a Wellness Coach
04- The controversial Metaphysical Path to Success -- an ego centered approach.
05- The Law of Attraction - thoughts, emotions & expectations control our energy field
06- Point of attraction. How to raise our point of attraction
07- Focusing our attention in the positive aspect of life
08- Creating positive expectations
09- The entitlement principle - "the couple that had different philosophies." The limits of "her success." An ego centered success is usually at the expense of others.
10- How the quality of our thoughts create our own reality
11- Scripting Technique - "an RV trip to Northern, CA and a visit to the court room"
12- Pivoting technique
13- The power of affirmations - "Divine protection." I am centered affirmations vs. "I-less" affirmations
14- The power of "a simple reminder"
15- Enjoying life by balancing the two lowest centers of Consciousness
16- Becoming playful and how to attain it from a chemical perspective
17- The "power of will power" -- action is indispensable and why not everyone has enough will power to attain success. What can be done about it?
18- A friend in troubles -- when metaphysics becomes fanaticism
19- Take the grains of sugar and leave the grains of sand.
20- If you are really determined to move to the vehicle state you may consider stopping ALL manipulation. However, strengthening the ego has its place in the soul and personal development.
21- Why for a Wellness Coach metaphysical tools are valuable and even necessary.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- If you are really determined to move to the vehicle state you may consider stopping manipulation.
02- Revisiting the characteristics of the Vehicle State - do you want it? Are you ready for it?
03- Not leaving the metaphysical path on time leads to suffering. Vice-versa?
04- Where can you get the proper training? Why is it difficult to get it?
05- Success by becoming a philosopher -- "Bob's case." How to avoid taking life too seriously, and how this attracts success
06- Positive expectations versus no expectations
07- The power of detached intention
08- The Market Place Path vs. the Mountain Top Path
09- Work vs. service and creativity
10- Surrendering the fruit of our actions -- Why? How? Is this your world?
11- So what is success in the Mystical Path? Surrender
12- Why surrender is such a challenge?
13- Surrender to what?
14- From "God knows my needs" to "'That' knows the needs of this MBO."
15- Making plans, establishing priorities, creating a rational schedule, doing our best, and then?
16- What's the result of failing at the practical level?
17- But, how will I survive?
18- Dealing effectively with fear of scarcity from the Mystical Path to Success
19- The mystical path does not deny the law of attraction. Does it make use of it? How?
20- The value of a serviceful attitude and how it helps to attract success
21- Balancing the 5th and 1st Centers of Consciousness.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- What money is really
02- What if I run out of money. How our relationship with money is controlled by fear. Can we picture a different relationship?
03- Distorted beliefs about money promote fear, greed, violence, and abuse of the environment. All we need to do is to become aware of our subconscious beliefs and change them. Why this is the highest path instead of the path of "the secret on how to become millionaire?
04- The money I make in life depends on my efforts to make money
05- My money = my worth?
06- Money is not success, but... Defining success for yourself
07- Should I really charge for my services if I am a spiritual person?
08- Do I need money to be happy? How much?
09- There are seven types of success -- can you have them all?
10- Why the ego can't succeed really at becoming a millionaire. The amount of money you will make in life is predetermined?
11- What would be the implications of "the I an illusion?"
12- Demands vs requests to the universe. The Universe knows the needs of this MBO. Then, is your survival guaranteed? Humbling the Ego vs. strengthening the ego
13- Dealing successfully with a stressful financial situation -- a passage to the victor state
14- Consciousness knows my needs, or, it is just taking care of itself?
15- What do I do with my wants. Being a loving parent to your body and inner child.
16- Authentic desires are an expression of the Divine
17- Healing our relationship with money, requires us looking into the programs of our family of origin.
18- Money as "not my business." Money as a "non-issue." Can I "forget money."
19- Wise use of money vs. reckless use of money
20- Do you still need to deal with negative thoughts about your future income?
21- Risking money in a business adventure -- pros and cons.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Healing takes place in the Tree of Life -- The Seven Centers of Consciousness
02- Molecular approach, energy approach, psychological approach and spiritual approach to healing.
03- Paying attention and concentration
04- Concentration and success
05- The fortunate experiment that lead to an extraordinary scientific discovery
06- Narrow focus vs. open focus -- "walking in the jungle."
07- Flexible Focus
08- Why narrow focus can produce chronic stress. Why worrying is so destructive to the organism?
09- How our society is coping with narrow focus
10- Is it working?
11- What happens when we get stuck in narrow focus -- how this can happen as a result of thinking about duties all the time
12- How even the spiritual path can lock the seeker in narrow focus
13- Do we need narrow focus at all?
14- Substances that narrow the focus and substances that open the focus. Is it legitimate to use them? Why substances that open the focus are persecuted by the establishment.
15- Why to attain a balance of narrow and open focus every day is fundamental and how to do it. Why learning to move from narrow focus to open focus in an instant may be the ultimate skill.
16- Left and right brain types and their respective attention styles
17- How to attain and cope with narrow focus when you are a right brain type.
18- Is it possible to attain material and vocational success without narrow focus?
19- Narrow Focus Meditation
20- Open Focus Meditation
21- What Open Focus teaches us about "what we really are." Moving from the conceptual, memory based "I" to your real Self.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Do you feel entitled to success? -- from I am not entitled to I am entitled, to unconcerned.
02- Do you have the patience?
03- Why are you willing to go through all these troubles? Managing your time? Potential for big money?, Choose the work you do? Work from home? Do you feel a call?
04- Competing with the mainstream -- is it possible?
05- Do I have the computer skills necessary to succeed? If I don't what can I do?
06- Do I have the computer system necessary to succeed -- why the investment is relatively insignificant
07- Selecting your computer system wisely
08- Why two computers
09- Back up system -- the importance of protecting your data
10- The paramount importance of your internet network -- how this determines where you will live.
11- Defining your services and products is key to success
12- How to present your self-improvement products in the best light and where
13- Why a website is fundamental
14- Creating vs. maintaining your web-site
15- Where does your website lead?
16- A business is basically a list of customers?
17- Creating your email list
18- Online e-mail list managing programs - MailChimp and others
19- How many will open your mail?
20- Using mailing lists from online newsletters
21- The mail client program -- your most powerful marketing and administrative tool?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- Using the customers of other companies, then your business must be based on solid products.
02- Monetizing your web-site -- how to do it
03- Defining the level of success you want to attain, will determine your marketing strategy.
04- Defining your calendar of activities -- workshops, classes, counseling sessions, etc
05- Defining your marketing plan -- what you must include if you want to succeed today
06- Determining your fees for services - the law of demand and supply vs the snob effect.
07- What is there for me?
08- Online marketing and the social networks
09- Why non-regulated professions like Wellness Coaching need to reclaim the market.
10- Testimonials
11- Administration -- basic principles to be effective at managing you business
12- The systems approach to efficiency and growth
13- Making good use of your computer guy -- is fundamental for your business
14- Emails efficiency vs. phone efficiency
15- Voice mail efficiency and protecting your time
16- The paramount importance of logistics
17- How to write an email that sells
18- Branding
19- Paypal, credit card terminal vs. a virtual terminal.
20- Creating a contract -- always work in progress
21- Renting an office vs. working from home -- other alternatives.
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
01- An explosion of enthusiasm
02- What happens in the brain when you do physical exercise?
03- Your neurotramitters and physical exercise
04- Depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's and physical exercise -- as prevention and treatment
05- Being in shape vs out of shape -- enlightening research and how to apply it to our life
06- Sports Psychology and Sports Psychology Principles -- one of the most effective and practical psychologies available today
07- The fundamental principle of sport psychology - Trash the "I can'ts"
08- The pivoting approach to the thinking process and the use of affirmations
09- Nutrition and physical exercise
10- How to be a leader and the power of example
11- Overcome your fears and notice how you feel when you finally overcome a fear - fear of heights, water, animals, confrontation, public speaking,
12- Work out your negative emotions. Set backs - discouragement vs. a new action plan
13- Self-image: feeling proud of oneself and feeling that you are beautiful
14- Include adventure in your life
15- Self-discipline and happiness. Finishing what we started
16- The psychology of the victim. Dealing with excuses. The role of the trainer
17- The psychology of injuries and how to deal with them. The psychology of pain -- recommended literature and TV show.
18- The sitting position and disease. Why going to the gym at the end of the day does not work in this case. What can be done that really works.
19- Simple exercises that can save our ife -- benefits to different systems in the body
20- What about yoga? What about walking? What about stretching? What about throat and tongue exercises? What about biking? How many times a week?
21- Weight loss without physical exercise?
i- Required homework
ii- Recommended homework
iii- Recommended literature
Other topics -- related to these subjects -- may be covered during the classes.
Course Length: 42 weeks or 21 weeks in the accelerated format
This curriculum is subject to change anytime, at
the school and teacher's discretion.
Tuition and Fees
Note: Note: For many years, BOHI Courses with Certification have been priced at u$5,000 each. However, due to the damage inflicted on the world economy by the globalist, including America, our prices have been lowered to u$2,500 (2,000 u$ when paying upfront.) I highly recommend that you to take advantage of these prices while they last -- Gian Girardi, BOHI founder.
10-Month Format with Classes Every Other Week: u$250.00 at the enrollment and u$250.00 per month, until the total tuition
price of u$2,500 is paid.
5-Month Format with Classes Every Week: u$500 at the
enrollment and u$500 per month, until the total
tuition price of u$2,500 is paid.
Upfront Payment: A 20%, u$500.00 discount is
available for upfront payment.
No hidden fees of any kind --
Contact Gian (BOHI Founder) at
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Is Easy and Safe
You can pay your tuition using your own PayPal account
or any major debit or credit card. Please follow the link below:
Online Student's Tuition Payment Center
Student Agreement
To complete your enrollment process you will need to sign the BOHI Student Agreement. To read the agreement please click here

About the Teacher of this Course: Gian Girardi, founder of the Brain Optimization™ Holistic Institute, was born in 1955 to an Italian/Spanish family in Chile. From early age he developed a deep interest in science and later in the humanities, particularly in spirituality and Awakening.
After his high school graduation, similar to the US, Gian had to take the SAT. Interestingly, at that time, the results were published in Santiago's main newspaper -- Santiago is the capital of Chile. He achieved one of the highest combined SAT scores in the country (math and language), with his verbal abilities ranking in the 99.97th percentile of the population (1 for every 3,000). At that time, engineering was the most sought-after career in Chile and he was accepted to pursue civil engineering at the country's most prestigious university.
Though he graduated as a civil engineer, Gian ultimately found the carrer unfulfilling. At the age of 30, he married Viviana, and their spiritual interests brought them to the U.S., where Gian earned a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and obtained the MFT (Marriage, Family Therapist) California State License to practice psychotherapy. Over the course of more than thirty years Gian, has accumulated extensive experience as a psychotherapist, nutritional counselor, wellness coach, spiritual psychology
counselor and teacher.
After a long, frustrating period of twenty four years practicing various forms of yoga, Gian became interested in Advaita a form of Jnana yoga -- the Yoga of Wisdom. Two well known Advaita teachers in the West are Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.
In the West, Advaita is known as Non-Duality, and due to its unparalleled effectiveness in facilitating the Awakened state, it is rapidly gaining popularity. Zen, in many respects, is similar to Non-Duality.
In Zen, Awakening is believed to occur through a "direct transmission between teacher and student." While books, videos, and audio recordings are useful, this direct interaction with an awakened teacher, seems to be necessary in many cases. In the Advaita approach, particularly in the West, the teacher-student relationship is informal, free from the complexities
and heaviness often asssociated with the
Guru-disciple relationship.
For Gian Awakening came gradually over a period of ten years, after finding the right path. Toward the end of this process, his interaction
with an awakened teacher was crucial.
Given his long career as a counselor and teacher, it was only natural for him to begin sharing insights into the awakened state, with his students, friends and clients. He started teaching Non-Duality in 2007.
He realized that no service can be of greater value than helping others to awaken, to their True Nature. This realization lead him to offer private sessions for those who yearn to discover what they truly are.
Several programs at BOHI can be a catalyst for Awakening, if you feel the need for the "direct transmission" consider signing for the Awakening Protocol or taking the course on Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality. Both programs will provide ample opportunities to interact directly with Gian.
As a teacher, Gian has been deeply focussed on developing a language that effectively transfer the experience of the Awakened state to his students. This "one on one transmission" does not occur through traditional means such as "the teachers touch to the spiritual eye of the seeker." Instead it happens through a conversation and specific Awareness exercises.
As a result, the language used must be concrete, precise and effective
at pointing the student toward his or her True Nature.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional question regarding this program
please feel free to...
contact Gian (BOHI Founder) at
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