10-Months Hands-On, One on One, Coaching Course, with Certification on How to Create
a Private Practice in the
Healing Arts
"If we haven't learned to make a living doing something we love, we can't expect to be happy" -- Gian Paolo Girardi, founder
Upcoming Course
Tuesday, February 26, 2013, or anytime in the one on one format
This BOI course is presented only in the one on one, time-proven, mentoring format.
One on one classes are presented on Skype, phone, or in person.
In-person classes are held in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California
Time Commitment
One on one tutoring on Skype or in person requires a commitment of one hour per class. Homework for this course requires a commitment of about 5 to 10 hours hours per week. The student can do more homework based on their time availability and enthusiasm.
Homework in this course is always about real, necessary steps, towards materializing the student's goal of creating his or her own private practice
All courses at BOI have for goal helping the student improve his or her life, so that later they can help others do likewise. Intellectual knowledge has value, but it is definitely not enough. This coaching/course on "How to Create a Private Practice" is the utimate down to earth, practical program presented at the Brain Optimization Institute.
If you want to manifest a Private Practice in the Healing Arts this course is for you. The comparatively small investment in this course may save you thousands of dollars, years of effort, countless frustrations and disappointments, or all of the above.
To create a private practice in the Healing Arts may not be easy, but it is a step-by-step process. Schools, even universities, do not prepare you for this challenge -- to create your own independent business. It prepares you to be a good employee for the system, willing to work hard, from nine to five or many more hours, in exchange for a check at the end of the month to calm your fears -- quite often at the unacceptable cost of living an inauthentic life.
I (Gian Girardi, BOI founder) consider this course fundamental to BOI's mission and I feel great enthusiasm about it.
We offer our student the gift of freedom -- freedom from the nine to five modern slavery called "having a job". We empower them with a way to make a living doing what they really love, and not just giving them knowledge, skills and certifications.
This course is a combination of classes and business coaching to help the student manifest their private pratice throughout the course itself. From day one the student will need to produce homework that has for purpose materializing his or her vocation and dream in real life.
Below is a list of the knowledge on business and marketing our student acquires throughout this course. But before, I want to invite you to watch this two min, award winning video. It is a beautiful example of how marketing can help to live a better life -- when this powerful tool is used with integrity.
What the student learns throughout this course:
Having a healthy philosophy from the beginning
01- The Path of the Healer, Coach and Teacher: how you can pursue a business in the Healing Arts without loosing integrity.
02- Exploring your personal, fundamental motivation to create a private practice. How this motivation can make you happy or miserable.
03- Difficulties to charge for your services? How this block can be overcome without loosing integrity.
04- What are the soul qualities the project calls for, and that you will have the opportunity to develop.
05- How to deal with the natural stress resulting from pursuing the goal of creating a private practice.
06- Setting goalless goals -- we all know it is the process and not the end; but how do we put this into practice?
Fundamentals of Administration
07- Creating a working partnership vs. working alone.
08- Your computer system is the foundation of your business for administration AND marketing -- how to make sure it will not let you down
09- What are exactly the computer programs and essential features you will need to learn, and how you can obtain this basic training for very little money.
10- Advantages and disadvantages of offering many products or services vs. just one product or one service.
11- Creating a simple effective, inexpensive clients data base. Why, in the end, a business is "a glorified list."
12- The business folder -- how to easily manage even massive amounts of information.
13- Paypal and paypal virtual account
14- Marketing your services all over the world
Fundamentals of Marketing
15- The fundamental distorted belief most healers have about marketing, and how it keeps them in poverty unnecessarily.
16- Mindful marketing -- what marketing is really about, and why this understanding protects your integrity.
17- The location effect
18- Branding: examples of optimum branding. Using your personal name vs. a fictitious name.
19- Creating a brochure or flyer for your business -- a short cut to clarity.
20- Your email list -- a path to success? Is it enough?
21- The main mistake healers make when it comes to marketing their skills
22- Marketing in the age of engage
23- Using other's email lists
24- Should you create a website? Who will maintain it?
25- How to use your web-site to increase your email list -- where all rivers should flow
26- Should you offer a free program?
27- Soft sales with telemarketing. Telemarketing tips.
28- The power of flyers -- do they really work? Where to distribute them
29- The fundamental rule to create a successful sign
30- Should you advertise in magazines? The challenges of creating and updating a successful add.
31- The continuity principle.
Serious Planning
32- What is a business plan and why it is easy to create one.
33- What is a marketing plan and why it is easy to create one.
Social Networks
34- Learn to effectively use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Linkedin and Blogs to promote your private practice.
35- Do you feel entitled to success?
36- Defining your services and products
37- The importance of monetazing your practice
38- Defining the level of success you want to attain determines your marketing strategy.
39- The law of the big numbers and the conversion rates
40- Defining your calendar of activites -- workshops, classes, counseling sessions, etc
41- Your online marketing plan -- what you must include if you want to succeed today
42- No one knows me yet, what should I do?
43- Determining your fees for services - the law of demand and supply vs the snob effect.
44- What is there for me?
45- Eight "horses" that will pull you to success
46- Competing with the mainstream -- is it possible?
47- Why non-regulated professions like Life Coaching, or the Healing Arts Professions need to reclaim the market; and how to do it.
48- Creating and mantaining your web-site -- your websites defines your business
49- Where does your website lead?
50- Creating your email list
51- Contracting the use of email lists from other people -- why and how
52- Testimonials -- who is the real authority here?
53- How to manage your documnet folder in your computer
54- The systems approach to efficiency and growth
55- Efficient use of your "computer guy" -- he/she may be fundamental to your business
56- Emails efficiency vs. phone efficiency
57- Voice mail efficiency and protecting your time
58- The paramount importance of logistics
59- Logisitcs vs strategy -- how to hit the right balance
60- How to write an email that sells -- teasers and titles
61- The mail client program -- your most powerful marketing and administrative tool
62- Creating a contract
63- Renting an office vs. working from home -- other alternatives
64- Online e-mail list managing programs -- MailChimp and others
65- Why the time has come when you as a an individual you will be able to compete with big organizations and corporations, and what you need to do to win.
66- Defining an online marketing campaign -- Website, Emails, Facebook, Twitter, ....
67- How much is worth your business? How you can eventually sell it?
68- The value of content
69- Answering your emails may take substantial part of your time everyday. How to make good use of the time invested. The hunter analogy.
70- Levels of marketing and levels of commitment
71- Are the fundamental resources available?
72- Setting clear goals not only at the beginning
73- The mision statement and the flyer exercise
This curriculum is subject to change at anytime at the discretion
of the school and teacher.
Participation on the Internet: This course is taught one on one, on Skype, or in-person in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California
Tuition and Fees for this 10-Month Coaching/Course on
How to Create a Private Practice
Mentoring, One on One Program
Payment Options:
10-Month Course: Classes are held every other week and student pays $250.00 at the enrollment and $250.00 per month until the tuition price is paid.
Total Tuition: $2,500.00
If you have any question regarding this program
please call us at 310-455-6815
Teacher: Gian Paolo Girardi, MS, MA,
Founder the Brain Optimization Institute.

In his early twenties Gian Paolo pursued studies in Engineering with a specialty in Administration of Construction Companies at the most prestigious Chilean University. Gian's family were Italian industrialists, in business for several generations. He himself has been involved in businesses since the age of 24 -- more than thirty years.
At the age of twenty three, he became interested in yoga and the pursuit of happiness and enlightenment - a pursuit that continued for more than 30 years. At thirty seven he enrolled in graduate studies in psychology. After completing 3,000 hours of supervised psychotherapy, and passing required tests for licensing, he obtained the Marriage Family Therapist (MFT) license.
Gian Paolo practiced psychotherapy in combination with nutritional counseling for over fifteen years. In January, 2005, he and his wife Viviana founded the Brain Optimization Institute. Since then, he has been full-time committed to his vision for BOI. He has taught, or is presently teaching, Mathematics, including calculus, Descriptive Geometry, Languages, Nutrition with emphasis in Brain Nutrition Counseling, Anti-aging and the pursue of Physical Immortality, Life Caoching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology, Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality, Psychology of Consciousness, Natural Healing, Vocational Counseling, and How to create a Private Practice in the Healing Arts.
He and his associate teachers are intent on communicating what they have learned through a lifetime dedicated to clinical and healing work, personal development, spirituality and business.
Gian Paolo is constantly encouraging his students to create their own independent, private practice in the healing arts. This 10-month, one on one, coaching course is a powerful approach to empower the student, in a concrete, practical way, to materialize their vocational dreams.
The Brain Optimization™ Institute offers information, counseling, courses with certifications on drug free solutions to ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse and other forms of brain / mental suffering. BOI highly regarded Five Month Certifications include Nutrition with Emphasis in Brain Nutrition , Life Coaching with Emphasis in Cognitive Psychology, and Spiritual Psychology with Emphasis in Non-Duality. The Brain Optimization Institute also offers a Certification in Holistic Life Mastery for those completing all three certifications and the ten months training on How to Create a Private Practice
Brain Optimization Institute's broadcasting studio is presently located in Glendale, Los Angeles County, California. Students from adjacent cities and locations like Glendale, Pasadena, Studio City, San Fernando Valley, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, West L.A., West Los Angeles, Brentwood, Bel Air, Santa Monica, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Orange County can take our courses in a group format via BOI's webinar platform, or in person, on Skype or phone. Students living in cities and locations further away in the States or abroad like San Francisco, San Diego, New York, North and South Carolina, Miami, London England, Paris France, Rome and Milan Italy, Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Santiago Chile, Buenos Aires, Ecuador, Quito, Montreal, Cape Town and Johannesburg South Africa, New Zealand, Hawaií, Kauai, Maui, Kenya, Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta, India, Hong Kong, Shanghai China, Taipei Taiwan, can take our courses in the group format via BOI's Webinar platform, or one on one, on Skype or phone.